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. The ECR (Employee Change Request) Form is used by authorized department representatives to make changes for all employee payroll actions. The ECR Form is not available online, but several ECR functions have been made available directly in PeopleSoft.

New area lie to employees all the time never keep their words or take employee side always take the store manager side even if they lie about what really happened and told the guideline employees handbook that's online was a misprint and employees referrel bonus is no good either they don't treat. Aug 21, 2013. Compensation and Salary Administration section of the Boston College Employee Handbook. On an individual basis, salaries will reflect qualifications, skills, performance, and competitiveness with the appropriate job market. For more information, please visit the web site of the BC Compensation Office. Training and development managers oversee staff and plan, direct, and coordinate programs to enhance the knowledge and skills of an organization’s employees.

These include Leave of Absence, Hours Change, Pay Rate Change, Long Term Disability, Short Term Disability with Pay, Reclassification, Faculty Promotion/Transfer, Revise Existing Short Work Break, Termination, Earnings Distribution and Extension, and BCPD Shift Transfer. for completing the ECR Form are available below. The instructions include a listing of used to process an ECR Form. Questions and Answers What is the Employee Change Request? The Employee Change Request (ECR) details the employee’s position and employment information, and is used to update any changes to that information. When should I use the Employee Change Request?

The ECR is used for current employees in order to change position or employment information, e.g., promotion, transfer, leave of absence, reclassification, termination, funding change and salary adjustments. When should I not use the Employee Change Request? Do not use this form for the following functions:. To update vacant positions (e.g., reclassification), use the Individual Position Change Form (created by the Position Administrator in the HRSC). To update pooled positions (e.g., increase maximum head count), use the Individual Position Change Form (created by the Position Administrator in the HRSC).

Employee Handbook Template

To hire a new employee or add a job for an existing employee for faculty or certain student employees, use the. To hire a new staff (professional, administrative, office, clerical and service) employee or add a job for an existing staff employee, see. Note: Adjustments to BC Student Employees are processed via the PeopleSoft HRMS Student Change process. How do I get a replacement Employee Change Request Form for an employee? To obtain a duplicate ECR, contact your departmental salary administrator, who in most organization/vice presidential areas is also your designated P1.

He or she can print a current copy of the ECR from PeopleSoft HRMS. Is there any additional information I may need to complete the Employee Change Request? To complete the ECR it is helpful to refer to the following:.

to be used on the ECR. DEPT on the UIS system which shows the most up-to-date characteristics of a position. The appropriate employment office representative What do I do when I have completed the Employee Change Request? Instructions for Completing the Employee Change Request If using a paper form: Please complete the form by indicating only the changes you are making with blue or red ink immediately below the current data as printed on the form. If using the automated form: Please have the information indicated below available for entry into PeopleSoft.

Section I Section I (the top section) of the ECR displays data currently stored in the Human Resources System. Information in this top section cannot be changed by using an ECR. Section II The Effective Date, Action and Action Reason fields must always be completed. Effective Date — The Effective Date reflects the date when the employment and/or position change takes effect. Action & Reason — The Action and Reason fields indicate the type of update being made to the employee’s position and employment information.

The tables below outline the Actions available on the ECR Form, along with the corresponding Reasons and data required to complete each transaction. In the automated ECR, these fields may be manually selected from a list or automatically populated by the system. Data Change (Action Code DTA) (Paper form only) Used to make an update or correction to specific fields. This action should be used only if a more specific one is not available. Reason Required Data BEN — Benefits Base Change Effective Date, Action, Reason, Benefits Base Rate CPR — Correction Pay Rate Effective Date, Action, Reason, Comp Rate, Benefits Base Rate if applicable FUN — Extend Funding (see also JED under Earnings Distribution Change) Effective Date, Action, Reason, Account Code, Start Date, Stop Date OTH — Other Effective Date, Action, Reason, data field(s) to be updated. Earnings Distribution Change (Action Code JED) ( Automated ECR) Used to indicate a change in how the employee's earnings are accounted for (e.g., when a position becomes funded from two accounts where it had been funded by only one, or vice versa.) This will commonly be used in contract/grant cases when the grant number changes, the allocation percents change, and/or the funding dates change. Reason Required Data JED — Job Earnings Distribution Effective Date, Action, Reason, Account Code TMP — Temporary Assignment Effective Date, Action, Reason, Position, Comp Rate, Account Code, Start Date, Stop Date.

Employee Work Hours Change (Temporary Basis) (Action Code HRS) (Automated ECR) Used to change employee work hours for a given period of time, after which the employee returns to his or her standard hours. (To change an employee's work hours permanently, please contact the Position Management department in Human Resources.) Reason Required Data HLB - Hrs Change/Lose Benefits Eligibility HNE - Hrs Change/New Benefits Eligibility HRB - Hrs Change/Retain (Same) Benefits Eligibility Effective Date, Action, Transaction Type, Employee Hours, Date of Return to Standard Hours, Account code (if Earnings Distribution is required) Leave of Absence (Action Codes LOA and PLA) (Automated ECR) Used to change the status of an employee to 'Leave of Absence.'

This action includes Paid Leave of Absence (Action Code PLA), Unpaid Leave of Absence (Action Code LOA), and Combination (Paid followed by Unpaid) Leave of Absence. NOTE: If date of Return from Leave is unknown, or if the employee's leave request was submitted prior to March 2012, a paper ECR form must be used to Return the employee from leave. Long-Term Disability (Action Code LTD) (can be used only following an unpaid or paid leave of absence) (Automated ECR) Used to indicate that an employee is on Long-Term Disability and is not expected to return (i.e., the employee's position is no longer being held).

This will normally be preceded by a Leave of Absence Action with the Reason 'LTD.' The actual PeopleSoft status becomes 'Leave of Absence.' Reason Required Data LTO — Long-Term Disability (not expected to return) WCL — Worker's Comp & LTD WCP — Worker's Comp Effective Date, Action, Reason, Position = 0498. Paid Leave of Absence (Action Code PLA) (Automated ECR - see Leave of Absence) This action is used to change the status of a permanent employee to Paid Leave of Absence. NOTE: If the date of Return from Leave is unknown, or if the employee's leave request was submitted prior to March 2012, a paper ECR form must be used to Return the employee from leave. Pay Rate Change (Action Code PAY) (Automated ECR) Used to indicate an increase or decrease in an employee's compensation rate.

Short Work Break (Action Code SWB) (Automated ECR) Used to stop the pay of an active employee on a temporary basis while the employee is not performing his/her responsibilities. Examples include semester and summer breaks for part-time faculty, students, and staff; and end of temporary assignments when it is not known if the employee will terminate at that point (e.g., Temporary Pool employees). Reason Required Data END — End of Position/Funding GRD — Short Work Break-Grad Student PTF — Short Work Break-PT Faculty Effective Date, Action, Reason.

Termination (Action Code TER) (Automated ECR) Used to mark the end of an individual's employment at the University. Position — A new Position Number is used if transferring, promoting or demoting the employee. Position numbers can be obtained by accessing the DEPT or POSN screens in the UIS system, referring to the previous incumbent’s ECR or by contacting the appropriate employment office/representative. Position Name — The Position Name is the short job title for the position that can be can be obtained by accessing the DEPT or POSN screens in the UIS system. Dept — The Department Number can be obtained by accessing the DEPT or POSN screens in the UIS system. Dept Name.

Bldg/Rm — The Building/Room Location is comprised of the 5-digit building number (available in the Boston College Building Codes section of the Communication Directory) and the 3-digit room location (e.g., 129 Lake Street, Room 100 is entered as 61401100). Reports to — The Reports to Position is the position number of the manager/supervisor.

The Reports to Position number can be obtained by accessing the DEPT or POSN screens in the UIS system or by referring to the previous incumbent’s ECR. Job Code — The Job Code is a 6-digit number and can be obtained by accessing the DEPT or POSN screens in the UIS system (Job Code = Job Class in the UIS system) or by referring to the previous incumbent’s ECR. Reg/Temp — A Regular position is a position funded with permanent funding. A Temporary position is one that has been approved for a specific period of time (i.e., one year from date of hire).

Full/PT — Full-time is 35 or more hours per week. Part-time is less than 35 hours per week. Empl Class — Employee Class refers to an employee’s status, not a job status.

The following is a list of all Employee Classifications. On POSN the Employee Type = Employee Class. (This field can be updated only if the record number field in Section I = 0.). A – Full-Time Administrator. B – Part-Time Administrator (benefits). E – Emeritus. F – Full-Time Hourly.

G – Graduate Assistant. H – Part-Time Hourly (benefits). I - Term Appointed Employee. M – Full-Time Faculty. N – Non-BC Student. P - Part-Time Faculty. R – Retiree.

S – Student. T – Temp Pool. U – Union. W – Full-Time Weekly. X – Executives. Y – Part-Time Monthly (no benefits). Z – Part-Time Hourly (no benefits).

Std Hrs — Standard Hours is the scheduled hours per week. FTE — The Full-Time Equivalency (FTE) will be calculated by the Human Resources Service Center. Paygroup. GRD – Graduate Student. MON – Monthly Salaried Employee. WKH – Weekly Hourly Employee.

WKS – Weekly Full-time Clerical Salaried. WST – Weekly Hourly Student. FICA. Comp Rate — The Compensation Rate for the position corresponds with the Compensation Frequency. Examples:.

Hourly Compensation Rate = $5.25. Weekly Compensation Rate = $500.00. Monthly Compensation Rate = $2,000.00. Comp Freq. H – Hourly. M – Monthly.

W – Weekly. Pct Chg — To calculate the Percent of Change (increase or decrease), divide the dollar change by the base rate. Example: An employee with a weekly rate of $500.00 is receiving a $25.00 increase. Therefore, $25.00 divided by $500.00 equals a 5.00% increase, or a new Compensation Rate of $525.00.). Emp Wrk — Indicates the pay cycle that the Employee works. Weekly. Monthly.

Pds/Yr — Indicates the number of weeks or months per year for which the position is funded. Benefits Base Rt — Leave this field blank. The Benefits Base Rate will be calculated by the applicable Employment area. Annual Budget Amt. Annual Adjust Amt — Indicates the annual dollar increase or decrease.

Probtn Rv Dt — The Probationary Review Date is not a required field. Please consult your Employment Office if extending the probationary period beyond the date indicated.

Last Dt Work — The Last Date Worked is one day prior to the Effective Date of the action. Please record in (mm/dd/yyyy) format. Exp Return — The Expected Date of Return indicates the employee’s anticipated date of return. Service Date — A benefits-eligible employee who terminates employment and is subsequently rehired into another benefits-eligible position within 2 years of the termination date will retain credit for prior service.


The credit will be indicated by adjusting the employee's Service Date to reflect the total actual benefits-eligible service time. Ben Eff Dt — The Benefits Effective Date is the date in which the employee became benefits-eligible. Ben Pgm & Description — Benefits Program and Description. BC1 – Basic Benefits Program. NOB – No Benefits. PTF – Part-time Faculty. Section III This section contains information about funding for the employee's position.

Account Code — Record 25-character HR Account Code for each funding source. If an HR Account Code that you want to use does not yet exist, you must contact the Budget Office (x2-3383) to have the code created. Since this involves an overnight process, the HR Account code will be available the day after the Budget Office fulfills the request. Earn Code — Indicates the Earnings Code associated with this position. Budget Amount — Indicates the Budget Amount of pay based on the rate multiplied by the number of pay periods within the dates of distribution.

Rate Amount — If there is more than one line of distribution, indicate the partial rate based on the percentage for that distribution line’s Rate Amount. Example:. Comp rate = $500.00. 60% distribution rate = $300.00. 40% distribution rate = $200.00.

Percent — Indicates the percentage of salary each account should be charged, using up to three decimal points. The total must equal 100%. Start Date — The date the line of salary distribution begins.

Stop Date — The date the line of salary distribution ends. Comments — Please make any necessary notes to the HRSC in the Comments section. When the employee is being promoted/demoted or transferred to a different department, the releasing department should fill in accrued vacation, sick and personal days. When the employee is retiring, the releasing department should fill in accrued vacation days for determination of any eligible payout at retirement.

When the employee is being terminated from Boston College, fill in the accrued vacation days. Section IV For paper ECR forms, authorizing signatures for positions funded by restricted University budgets should be obtained from the appropriate financial office. This also applies to positions funded from more than one budgetary account. In both cases, please forward the ECR to one of the following approval areas:. Endowment/Restricted Gifts, Controller's Office, 129 Lake Street, Fourth Floor. Contracts & Grants, Office for Sponsored Programs, 36 College Road.

Agency Accounting, Controller’s Office, 129 Lake Street Fourth Floor Once approved by the appropriate financial office, the ECR is then forwarded to the applicable employment area. For transfers or promotions/demotions to new departments, forward the ECR directly to the new department for completion and authorization. For all other actions using paper forms:. Check all information carefully. Sign and date the form. Make a copy for your records. Forward the completed ECR for appropriate approval to one of the following departmental budgetary areas according to the employee type:.

FT/PT Faculty: Academic Vice President’s Office, Bourneuf House. Non-Faculty Staff: Human Resources Department, 129 Lake Street, Room 240. Non-BC Students: Human Resources Service Center, 129 Lake Street, Room 100 For automated ECRs, upon submission (clicking the SUBMIT button), the ECR will be automatically routed for approval within PeopleSoft.

Privacy Policy Last updated: 6/11/15 Thank you for visiting our website. We seek to make this site as informative and helpful as possible, while respecting and protecting your privacy. Here’s what we’re doing to help create a positive online experience. Cookies Typically, when we say “cookie,” we usually think of tasty, little baked goods.

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Boston market employee handbook

Your information is not sold, transferred or disclosed to third parties, and we do not send unsolicited e-mail. We may respond to e-mail you send us though, and we may ask you if you want to receive special offers from us or from third parties with whom we have a business relationship.

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We use your information solely for internal purposes. (For example, we may use it to fulfill your request.) We don’t sell it or transfer it to third parties, and we don’t send unsolicited e-mail. We may respond to e-mail you send us, though. Bing Maps Boston Market uses Bing Maps. Other Sites In our site, we may include links to other sites. If you visit one of the linked sites, you should review that site’s policies, including privacy. We’re not responsible for the policies or activities of other companies, and any information you disclose on another site is subject to its privacy policies.

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Privacy Policy Changes This privacy policy is effective as of June 11, 2015. From time to time, we may need to change this privacy policy, and any change will be posted here, so please check this page in the future.

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