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— Yogi Berra note, although the correct quote has the exact same meaning. The real line can be found in the Quotes section. Lines that people associate with something or someone by way of, despite having never been uttered by them, or only rarely. Usually a misquotation or a slight paraphrase of something that actually was said or done, or a combination of several common or famous lines. The misquote provides context necessary to recognize or appreciate the reference, as in ', or fills in parts of the sentence that are orphaned from the interesting bit, as in. Sometimes to save time, and its version became better known. This is all well and good, but we here at think people should at least know what the line they're paraphrasing is meant to be.

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The, 'Beam me up, Scotty', was never actually uttered in. One of the films got pretty close, but even then, it was phrased: 'Scotty, beam me up.'

We look at the best bad futures brought to the screen since Ridley Scott’s 1982 masterpiece, including Snowpiercer, The Matrix, and Advantageous.

Contrary to popular belief, it is not even said in - though that's where they come closest: 'Beam us up, Scotty'. The actual phrase comes from a famous Star Trek bumper sticker - 'Beam me up, Scotty, there's no intelligent life on this planet.' It finally made an appearance in the franchise when himself said it in the audiobook version of his 1995 novel The Ashes of Eden.

It was later used in the 2009 remake. Another example from Shatner is in his autobiography Up Till Now, which comes in More often, Kirk said 'Four to beam up,' and he was talking to whomever happened to be at the Transporter console. Very rarely was this Scotty himself, who was the chief engineer, meaning no version of the command was said to him with any regularity. If the misassociated line is eventually co-opted into the source as a sort of to the confusion, it becomes an. If the line is correct but lack of context changes the meaning, or if the line is chopped up to change its meaning, it is a. If the quote and the misquote both occur in the same medium, there is an or possibly a.

If the quote becomes the only thing associated with a person, it's a case of. This trope can be extended to the character never actually had, such as Holmes' deerstalker. For tropes, see.

'I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that.'

. The famous 1987 anti-drug PSA never actually said, 'This is your brain.

This is your brain on drugs.' There were two versions, long and short. Started with the camera on John Roselius saying 'Is there anyone out there who still isn't clear about what doing drugs does? OK, last time.' Picks up an egg, 'this is your brain', points to the skillet, 'this is drugs,' cracks egg and holds up skillet, 'this is your brain on drugs. Any questions?'

Was a hot skillet sizzling with oil, waiting on the stove accompanied by psychedelic sound effect — while a voiceover said, 'OK, last time. This is drugs,' indicating the skillet, not the egg. Then an egg broke open into the skillet and immediately began frying.

Cue the voiceover, 'This is your brain on drugs. Any questions?'

(An even shorter version skipped the 'OK, last time' part.). Part of the confusion may come from the scene in wherein The Riddler parodies this commercial: 'This is your brain. This is your brain on The Box. '. There have been many spoofs of Ed McMahon telling people that they've won the Publisher's Clearing House sweepstakes. Ed actually advertised for short-lived rival American Family Publishers.

The famous PSA does not state 'You Wouldn't Download a Car'. It instead tells the viewer that 'You Wouldn't Steal a Car', probably because people absolutely would download a car.

Many people think of McDonald's signs that boast X billion hamburgers sold. While some of the oldest signs did say that, the signs installed after about 1970 actually read 'Over X Billion Served'. Not only does this allow them to include complimentary burgers, 'served' just sounds friendlier than 'sold'.

By the mid-80s, new signs switched to the generic 'Billions and Billions', then did away with the count at some point in the '90s. Amuro: That's twice.!

Not even my father hit me!. In, Jerid's actual reaction to Kamille's was something along the lines of 'Kamille? I thought I heard a girl's name, but that kid looks like a boy', but it's usually quoted as the more compact, exploitable and easy to remember 'Kamille? Isn't that a girl's name?' . In, Athrun never said ' NICOL WAS FIFTEEN, HE LOVED TO PLAY THE PIANO!' He actually said ' Nicol was fifteen!

He loved the piano!' (in the dubbed version) or ' Nicol loved to play the piano.

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And he was only 15.' (in the subtitled version). Also in, when Graham declared his with Gundam, he didn't say the memetically popular 'GUNDAM, I LOVE YOU!!!' , but 'This feeling.there's no mistaking it.it must be love!!' But since the first one explicitly declared just WHAT Graham is in love with, it became more popular and oft-used.

in spawned a meme with his inexplicably heavy (dub-given) Southern accent, coming from the phrase 'I need a monstah to clobbah dat dere Kirbeh,' from the (dub-created) intro, and also the memetic joke spelling 'Kirbeh' of the title character. However, in this intro, and most of the time in the show, Dedede actually pronounces 'Kirby' correctly, though the person singing the theme song pronounces it 'Kirbeh' once or twice. In, Kyubey's 'Make a contract with me!' Manages to appear in official merchandise, but he never says this as one sentence; it's always something like 'Just make a contract with me, and become a magical girl!'

A more blatant one is 'Anything is possible if you make a contract with me!' , a fan-fabricated combination of his other misquote and his assertion that he can grant any wish.

In fanfiction, is attributed surprisingly often with coining Nanoha's nickname '. Firstly, what Vita did was call Nanoha a (not white) devil in a moment, and secondly, Nanoha is not ever referred to as the White Devil in the series proper. Nowhere in, especially not the Streamline dub, does Kaneda ever tell Tetsuo, 'No way! You're just a kid! Maybe when you're older!' The Streamline dub does come close in the scene most often associated with that line, and even then it's 'Yeah, yeah! Don't make me laugh!

Maybe when you've downed your first clown!' That said, Kaneda does treat Tetsuo rather condescendingly as a kid. The quote 'No way! You're just a kid! Maybe when you're older' is actually from, from a scene parodying the English voice acting in AKIRA.

Release Date: Duration: 78 min Two-Way Stretch, sometimes titled Nothing Barred, is a 1960 British, about a group of prisoners who plan to break out of jail, commit a robbery, and then break back into jail again, thus giving them the perfect alibi – that they were behind bars when the robbery occurred. The film boasts a rich cast of characters played by, among others,,, and. Two-way stretch ( 1960 ) torrent Two-Way Stretch, sometimes titled Nothing Barred, is a 1960 British, about a group of prisoners who plan to break out of jail, commit a robbery, and then break back into jail again, thus giving them the perfect alibi – that they were behind bars when the robbery occurred. However, their plans are disrupted by the arrival of a strict new Chief Officer. The film was directed by from a screenplay by, and, with additional dialogue by Alan Hackney.

Thanks to 's movie, became the author of a new famous quote 150 years after his death. Never mind that you will never find anything remotely like the 'His youth was Arcadia' line in original German, and most researchers that it is a textbook case of Matsumoto's taking an with the (no longer identifiable) source material. In, the name of the Straw Hat Pirates's first ship is the Going Merry, or just Merry for short, not Merry Go. The 'Go' came from the fact that in Japanese, names for vehicles (including ships) are given the honouriffic '-go', so the characters would refer to the ship as 'Merry-go', similar to calling Luffy 'Luffy-kun'.

And are to be blamed for this confusion, since they (likely, especially in the former's case) translated the ship's name as Merry Go, mistaking the 'Go' as actually part of its name rather than just an honouriffic. A recurring joke in several manga and anime is quoting ' to reference abruptly action serials. While had many such infamously canceled titles like Otokozaka, the actual source of the line does not appear to exist. At no point in the (second) anime note As opposed to the by Toei. Does Katsuya Jonouchi ever say 'Brooklyn rage', not even in the version by the previously mentioned 4Kids (where he is known as 'Joey Wheeler').

Note The American voice actor who voices him was quoted as saying that he wished he could have actually done it.:. The oft-quoted Spider-Man line 'With great power comes great responsibility' is often attributed to Peter Parker's Uncle Ben. However, the first appearance of the line was in fact just in a closing caption to the first story in Amazing Fantasy, not said by any actual character. And even then, it was actually phrased 'With great power there must also come great responsibility'. In later retcons of Spider-Man's origin, and in retellings such as that of, the line is shortened and attributed to Uncle Ben, so while that is what is, the line was not originally his.

plays with this: a flashback shows Uncle Ben delivering the original line, but Peter then says the shortened version later when he decided to spare Ben's killer. played with it even more. Let's just say it was a good thing that Peter decided to shorten this one. Uncle Ben: You know your father, God rest his soul. Your father had a philosophy the he held to pretty strongly. And it's one that served him very, very well.

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He believed that if there were things in this world that you had to offer, things that you did well—better than anyone else. Things that you could do that helped people feel better about themselves. Well, he believed that it wasn't just a good idea to do those things. He believed it was your responsibility to do those things. Don't try to be something else.

Don't try to be less. Great things are going to happen to you and your life Peter. Great things.

And with that will come great responsibility. Do you understand?. In, the line gets another re-write, to the point where reviewers started to point out how it was getting ever clunkier to come up with another version in each iteration of the franchise. Uncle Ben: If you can do good things for other people, you have a moral obligation to do those things. Not choice—responsibility.:. One of Rorschach's most and lines ' Must investigate further.'

, in reference to Adrian Veidt, actually reads as 'Possibly homosexual? Must remember to investigate further.'

This is likely because the former seems to fit in more with his speaking pattern. In-universe example: Dr. Milton Glass, a scientist who was present when gained his powers, is quoted by the media as saying 'The superman exists, and he's American'. Glass' actual statement was ' God exists, and he's American', and the sentiment behind it was more along the lines of awe and terror than the celebratory tone in which it is usually (mis)quoted. It is implied that the statement was deliberately misquoted to make it less alarming/potentially offensive.: Many of the cat's most famous quips (such as 'Big, fat, hairy deal!'

Or 'I'm not overweight; I'm undertall') were either never said by him in the comic strip or were said once and then forgotten. Garfield fans remember them to this day only because the strip was aggressively licensed and merchandised almost from the beginning, and the quotes (or supposed quotes) were used repeatedly for greeting cards, joke books, etc. Likewise, 'We're bachelors, baby' has been used fewer than 10 times in the course of six years. never had Calvin say 'God put me on this earth to accomplish a certain number of things. Right now I am so far behind that I will never die.' There's also a bootleg T-shirt of Calvin scowling and saying: 'Every day, I'm forced to add another name to the list of people who piss me off.'

Obviously, this quote has never appeared in the strip. In, Frozone never actually says 'Woman, where is my supersuit?' The proper lines are 'Honey, where's my supersuit?' , and 'You tell me where my suit is, woman!' . A has a screenshot of Superman from (usually edited to have the features of another character, with results) with the caption 'name, I.'

In the movie, Superman does not actually say that line, he is instead saying 'She is my cousin'. The from never said 'Mirror, Mirror on the Wall' in the Disney version; she actually said 'Magic Mirror on the Wall.' The 'Mirror, Mirror' version of the saying is, however, accurate to various written versions of the fairy tale both in English and other languages. In, Hans' 'Oh, Anna, if only there was someone out there who loved you' is often abridged as 'If only someone loved you'. The last words of Bing Bong in are often misquoted as 'Take her to the moon for me, Joy' or 'Send her to the moon for me'.

The actual line is 'Take her to the moon for me.okay?' , but most of the time, people will omit the '.okay?'

Part of said line. Forbes claimed that Forgetter Paula's line 'When Riley doesn't care about a memory, it fades' was said by Bing Bong. He doesn't show up until 2 minutes after this line is said. In, Woody doesn't say, 'Look, Buzz, there's an alien!' When tricking Buzz Lightyear. He actually says 'Buzz, look!. Ultra Magnus' infamous line of 'I can't deal with that now' in is frequently misquoted as 'I can't deal with that right now.'

. Most people, if they own a small dog or cat, have held them up in the air while going, very, very dramatically. (.) In the actual song, 'The Circle of Life', that's just the first line—Rafiki doesn't hold Simba aloft to the crowd until the final chorus, about three minutes in. People commonly quote a line one of the workers at the Marine Life Institute says to kids at an exhibit in as 'It's cuddle party time!' Or 'It's a cuddle party!'

She actually says 'It's a huge cuddle party!' . Many parents who complained about a line Kakie the Cake Monster says in, as well as websites such as Screen It!, misquoted it as 'And remember, diabetes is the scariest monster of all'.

The actual line is 'Slow down, Wuzzlelumplebum! The scariest monster of all is diabetes!' . is inseparably associated with puns on the word 'ogre' in internet culture. No characters ever make such jokes in the movies, although certain promotional materials do.

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One character does make an 'ogre' pun - Simon Cowell, in the 'Far Far Away Idol' special feature on the DVD. After witnessing Shrek and Fiona (who were judges, but apparently couldn't resist singing as well) sing 'What I Like About You' by The Romantics, Cowell remarks 'Ogre-all impression. Rather wonderful.'

. The Common Sense Media review of quotes part of the lyrics of 'Set It All Free' as 'This is my big hell no' rather than 'This is my big hello'. In the melody of 's ' (i.e. The Valkyrie from The Ring of the Nibelung), the sixteenth note in each bar is often played inaudibly. Suffice to say, is a rhythmically incorrect rendition - the missing note would be in between 'kill' and 'the'.

The 16th note is one of the main reasons this passage shows up on trombone auditions, since it's one of the first things audition judges listen for. is invariably misquoted: it's 'In the town where I was born lived a man who sailed to sea / And he told us of his life in the land of submarines.' Pretty much everyone will sing 'In the town where I was born lived a man who sailed the sea / And he told us of his life in a yellow submarine.' . It's often believed that, at the end of 'Helter Skelter', yells 'I've got blisters on me fingers!' He actually says ' I got blisters on my fingers!' .

The lyrics to 'As Time Goes By' have the line 'a kiss is still a kiss,' which does not exactly parallel the following line, 'a sigh is just a sigh.' The people who quote the lyric as 'a kiss is just a kiss' have the defense that it's what Dooley Wilson sang in. (Of course, they probably also believe that the song originated with Casablanca.). never said that were ',' it was. 'Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink. I needn't argue about that; I'm right and I will be proved right.

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We're more popular than Jesus now - I don't know which will go first, rock and roll or Christianity. Jesus was all right, but His disciples were thick and ordinary.

It's them twisting it that ruins it for me.' . It also must be pointed out that contrary to massively popular belief the above quote was not a boast but lament. If there was any mockery intended then it was not toward Jesus or Christianity but toward the people he was complaining about, who were letting their fandom get. This was printed in a London Evening Standard interview, 'How does a Beatle live?' In March 1966, talking about John's extensive reading of philosophers and historians. The decline of organized religion had been a subject for serious philosophical discussion in England and Europe for decades, and UK readers understood Lennon's remarks to refer to this.

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The quote was ripped out of context on purpose by the American press for a smear piece and has almost invariably been viewed that way ever since,. John never said 'Ringo isn't even the best drummer in The Beatles!'

The line originated in a.