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  1. Victoria Ultimate Mod Isis
  2. Download Victoria 2 Ultimate Mod
  3. Download Victoria Ultimate Mod

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The new version 2.0 of Ultimate Vice city is now available. This mod for GTA: Vice City add 40 reals cars in total, the two towers of World Trade Center, a new.

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Victoria Ultimate Mod Isis

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Why Kaiserreich? Victoria II: Kaiserreich. The mod itself, is inspired by the legendary Kaiserreich for Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game and seeks to play on that mod, but begin telling the 'alternate history' from 1921 rather than 1936. Kaiserreich Features:. Extended timeline 1921 - 2000. New units, including many new and unique sprites to go with them. Win the space race - get the first man on the moon!.

Revamped technology tree to fit the era. Many new nations, some historical, some fun formable nations for the player to pursure. New factories and goods. New resources. Hundreds of new unique events and decisions to retell history like never before.

New wargoals and infamy changes, making the game more fast paced and interesting. New general unique events and decisions that add to overall gameplay in Victoria II. Unique nation-authentic music and the return of Paradox's most famous tracks for general music (Over 1 hour of new music time!) Do you need help?. Currently the modding 'team' consists of me doing everything. I cannot hope to 100% bugtest the new content that I implement to the game - if you encounter a problem report it here or on the paradox forums, if it is game breaking, I wil do my best to fix it - I ask for your patience!. I am self taught and far from an expert scripter, helping me out when I need it or major problems arise that I can't resolve would really mean a lot towards development!.

I don't need any 'full time' help per-say but passive help as mentioned above is very appreciated and worthy of mention in the game should you so desire Looking to join a gaming community where we play games like Crusader Kings II, Victoria II, Civilization 5, Age of Wonders III, Star Citizen and more? We're always looking for great new guys to meet: Join today! Glad your reading this, to anyone who still cares about the mod.

I haven't updated this in a while due to exams and such, but after some solid modding I can say I am proud to announce the release of Kaiserreich 0.6 BETA. (Please remember, BETA!) I'm gonna be brutal, it's not a huge patch (40 new events and 10 new decisions, amongst other things) but it does address some of the issues that have been bugging me, and hopefully you. A full copy of the chanelog will be disclosed at the bottom of this document. I'd also like to thank everyone who had the patience to make a let's play of the mod so far, it's been very encouraging and I'd like to thank you in that respect.

Download Victoria 2 Ultimate Mod

I also included a donation button, to facilitate donations from anyone who appreciates the work I've done so far, Kaiserreich isn't the best mod but it's still damn some hard for one guy to make! I've also set the release date of the mod for today, basically, even though it's not really finished. So you can review it which I hope will attract more players (Please don't give it 1/10 D:). As I stated originally, this update brings in many new events and decisions and fixes others. There are also new countries, starting army changes, unit and economic rebalances (I am 90% sure the economy is fixed now). Most importantly, however, is the issue of lag. While I personally an play and enjoy the game in the mid-late era (Space Race kind of era) I've noticed many YouTube let's plays have been suffereing from excessive amounts of lag and have had to stop.


I believe this is due to the excessive population, and thus have completely removed all (I think so anyway:P) population growth modifiers in the tech tree for this release. Ironically, Kaiserreich's projected population figures over time actually reflect real Earth growth but the game's engine does a poor job of simulating that many people. I also have an announcement to make. Victoria II: Kaiserreich Cold War (DLC).

Although only bare-bones developed at the moment I think you will like the concept. My planned 'DLC' adds 4 global blocs you can form akin to the Warsaw Pact and NATO of our timeline, each represented by a 'Superpower'. There can only be 2 'Superpowers' at a time. These superpowers will have access to several new casus belli's 'Install Democratic Gov', 'Install Fascist Gov.' Etc (As happened during the cold war) amongst other things.

Download Victoria Ultimate Mod


Civilized nations with an ideology equivalent to that of an active superpower will get the option to form an alliance with that global superpower and get a huge relations boost with all members of that pact. So, when one of the super powers declares 'war' on the opposing active superpower, The Great War mechanic will make one hell of a fight for everyone to see.

But, like I said, I have not made much work on the concept yet and your thoughts are very much appreciated. (Head over to the ModDB forum!). I say DLC not because I'm going to charge money for it (Illegal, ofc), but because I believe if successful it will change the game mechanics so much that it should be optional for those who want to download it, actually separate from the main Kaiserreich download. Hello, I've been looking around to fix this mod and possibly port it forward to 3.04 on the latest HPM mod after I fix some needed events and decisions The goals of my fix: 1) Include some backstory to the fall of the British and French empires, which means that the Syndicalist/communist revolutions will eventually become actual wars. UK player losing the war against the UoB will follow the expected Kaiserriech storyline.

Winning on the other hand, will open up some new ideas that I've yet to put down coherently. 2) prevent Germany from willy-nilly annexing its Mitteleuropa puppets simply because the old national reunification events are in play. No more MittelAfrika petitioning to be reintegrated into the German Empire. Herman Goering wants power, not the other way around. 3)It's the Berlin Stock Exchange crash. Not New York. America will have enough problems as it is.

4) fix the in-game economy by adding all Indian and Chinese cultures as accepted to the Indian Empire (British Raj) and the Republic of China respectively. This will allow those pops to move freely rather than be forced to stay in one province and starve, prevent overproduction of goods and lowering of prices, 5) unproductive RGOs or those with high unemployment will have an option to change the local good, taking some ideas from PDM and HPM.

This will allow further redressing of the economy 6) USA, ENG, FRA, RUS -related revolutions can no longer be avoided. What's the point of playing Kaiserriech if you choose the option to avoid the ACW? Clawing yourself out of the jaws of annihilation is more fun anyway. So far, I have completed Goal #4 since it was the easiest. I have also made Newfoundland not a colonial state so that immigrants could actually go there, added coal and iron RGO to New Zealand so that the future Australasian Confederation can have some domestic production. The Indian Empire/British Raj should have enough time between the start of the 1921 bookmark and whenever it Westernizes such that it can make turn most of India from colonies to states, thereby paving the way for a balance when it breaks up between itself, the Princely Federation, and the Bharatiya Commune.

My next step is to finish writing the storylines for the ENG-UOB war, as well as the FRA-COF war. A UK player who loses the fight against the Revolution will inherit Canada as a fall back position, but this will trigger a complete collapse of the Empire with only Australasia and a shattered Indian Empire as loyal partners (not puppets). Furthermore, the player will switch to a new country TAG with only British as primary/accepted, in order to simulate the emerging reactionary government-in-exile. The French collapse will occur simultaneously as the British one.

The French player will face Syndicalist revolt in the form of the Commune of France (COF), and will be forced to fight a losing war as only conservative and Petain-loyalist regions in the south will support them. Losing the French Revolution results in exile in Africa, under a new country TAG with French as primary and Pied-noir as accepted. One should bear in mind that a great majority of the colonial population will not like you, and a great deal of your African territories are colonies, not states. Also, did I tell you that Herman Goering wants power, not the other way around? The Pre-Pre-Alpha version of the Kaiserreich mod. Codename: Interface Manager (aka the personalized version that you were asking for) Differences from last version:.China is split up into even more cliques. Now, China is in a free-for-all situation.Added a 1936 bookmark where every single civil war that's possible on the mod is happening.Where Iraq is in OTL, there are two rival families that believe that they are the legitimate heir to Sargon the Great's legacy: The McClouds (American family) and the Genivoryyes (Russian family).

NOTE:The McClouds and Genivoryyes are two families that I created a while back for an AU fanon, but that's besides the point.