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What You Will Learn:. Software Testing Types Given below are few types of Software Testing. #1) Alpha Testing It is the most common type of testing used in software industry. The objective of this testing is to identify all possible issues or defects before releasing it into the market or to the user. Alpha testing is carried out at the end of the software development phase but before the Beta Testing. Still, minor design changes may be made as a result of such testing. Is conducted at the developer’s site.

In-house virtual user environment can be created for this type of testing. image credit krify.co #2) Acceptance Testing An acceptance test is performed by the client and verifies whether the end to end the flow of the system is as per the business requirements or not and if it is as per the needs of the end user. Client accepts the software only when all the features and functionalities work as expected. It is the last phase of the testing, after which the software goes into production. This is also called as User Acceptance Testing (UAT). #3) Ad-hoc Testing The name itself suggests that this testing is performed on basis i.e.

With no reference to test case and also without any plan or documentation in place for such type of testing. The objective of this testing is to find the defects and break the application by executing any flow of the application or any random functionality. Ad-hoc testing is an informal way of finding defects and can be performed by anyone in the project. It is difficult to identify defects without test case but sometimes it is possible that defects found during ad-hoc testing might not have been identified using existing test cases.

#4) Accessibility Testing The aim of is to determine whether the software or application is accessible for disabled people or not. Here disability means deaf, color blind, mentally disabled, blind, old age and other disabled groups.

Fitna the movie download. Various checks are performed such as font size for visually disabled, color and contrast for color blindness etc. #5) Beta Testing It is a formal type of software testing which is carried out by the customer.

It is performed in Real Environment before releasing the product into the market for the actual end users. Beta testing is carried to ensure that there are no major failures in the software or product and it satisfies the business requirements from an end-user perspective. Beta testing is successful when the customer accepts the software. Usually, this testing is typically done by end-users or others. It is the final testing done before releasing an application for commercial purpose.Usually, the Beta version of the software or product released is limited to a certain number of users in a specific area. So end user actually uses the software and shares the feedback to the company.

Company then takes necessary action before releasing the software to the worldwide. #6) Back-end Testing Whenever an input or data is entered on front-end application, it stores in the database and the testing of such database is known as. There are different databases like SQL Server, MySQL, and Oracle etc.

Database testing involves testing of table structure, schema, stored procedure, data structure and so on. In back-end testing GUI is not involved, testers are directly connected to the database with proper access and testers can easily verify data by running few queries on the database. There can be issues identified like data loss, deadlock, data corruption etc during this back-end testing and these issues are critical to fixing before system goes live into the production environment #7) Browser Compatibility Testing It is a subtype of Compatibility Testing(which is explained below) and is performed by the testing team.

Browser Compatibility Testing is performed for web applications and it ensures that the software can run with the combination of different browser and operating system. This type of testing also validates whether web application runs on all versions of all browsers or not. #8) Backward Compatibility Testing It is a type of testing which validates whether the newly developed software or updated software works well with older version of the environment or not. Backward Compatibility Testing checks whether the new version of the software works properly with file format created by older version of the software; it also works well with data tables, data files, data structure created by older version of that software. If any of the software is updated then it should work well on top of the previous version of that software. #9) Black Box Testing Internal system design is not considered in this type of testing. Tests are based on the requirements and functionality.

Detailed information about the advantages, disadvantages, and types of Black box testing can be seen. #10) Boundary Value Testing This type of testing checks the behavior of the application at boundary level. Testing is performed for checking if defects exist at boundary values.

Boundary value testing is used for testing a different range of numbers. There is an upper and lower boundary for each range and testing is performed on these boundary values. If testing requires test range of numbers from 1 to 500 then Boundary Value Testing is performed on values at 0, 1, 2, 499, 500 and 501.

#11) Branch Testing It is a type of white box testing and is carried out during unit testing. Branch Testing, the name itself suggests that the code is tested thoroughly by traversing at every branch. #12) Comparison Testing Comparison of a product’s strength and weaknesses with its previous versions or other similar products is termed as Comparison Testing. #13) Compatibility Testing It is a testing type in which it validates how software behaves and runs in a different environment, web servers, hardware, and network environment.

Ensures that software can run on a different configuration, different database, different browsers and their versions. Compatibility testing is performed by the testing team. #14) Component Testing It is mostly performed by developers after the completion of unit testing. Component Testing involves testing of multiple functionalities as a single code and its objective is to identify if any defect exists after connecting those multiple functionalities with each other. #15) End-to-End Testing Similar to system testing, involves testing of a complete application environment in a situation that mimics real-world use, such as interacting with a database, using network communications, or interacting with other hardware, applications, or systems if appropriate.

#16) Equivalence Partitioning It is a testing technique and a type of Black Box Testing. During this equivalence partitioning, a set of group is selected and few values or numbers are picked up for testing. It is understood that all values from that group generate the same output. The aim of this testing is to remove within a specific group which generates the same output but not any defect. Suppose, application accepts values between -10 to +10 so using equivalence partitioning the values picked up for testing are zero, one positive value, one negative value.

So the Equivalence Partitioning for this testing is: -10 to -1, 0, and 1 to 10. #17) Example Testing It means real-time testing. Example testing includes the real-time scenario, it also involves the scenarios based on the experience of the testers.

#18) Exploratory Testing Exploratory Testing is an informal testing performed by the testing team. The objective of this testing is to explore the application and looking for defects that exist in the application.

Sometimes it may happen that during this testing major defect discovered can even cause system failure. During exploratory testing, it is advisable to keep a track of what flow you have tested and what activity you did before the start of the specific flow. Is performed without documentation and test cases. #20) Functional Testing This type of testing ignores the internal parts and focuses only on the output to check if it is as per the requirement or not. It is a Black-box type testing geared to the functional requirements of an application. For detailed information about Functional Testing click. #21) Graphical User Interface (GUI) Testing The objective of this GUI testing is to validate the GUI as per the business requirement.


The expected GUI of the application is mentioned in Detailed Design Document and GUI mockup screens. The GUI testing includes size of the buttons and input field present on the screen, alignment of all text, tables and content in the tables. It also validates the menu of the application, after selecting different menu and menu items, it validates that the page does not fluctuate and the alignment remains same after hovering the mouse on the menu or sub-menu. #22) Gorilla Testing Gorilla Testing is a testing type performed by a tester and sometimes by developer the as well. In Gorilla Testing, one module or the functionality in the module is tested thoroughly and heavily.

The objective of this testing is to check the robustness of the application. #23) Happy Path Testing The objective of Happy Path Testing is to test an application successfully on a positive flow. It does not look for negative or error conditions. The focus is only on the valid and positive inputs through which application generates the expected output.

#24) Incremental Integration Testing This is a Bottom-up approach for testing i.e continuous testing of an application when a new functionality is added. Application functionality and modules should be independent enough to test separately. This is done by programmers or by testers. #25) Install/Uninstall Testing Testing done on full, partial, or upgrade install/uninstall processes on different operating systems under different hardware or software environment is termed so. #26) Integration Testing Testing of all integrated modules to verify the combined functionality after integration is termed so. Modules are typically code modules, individual applications, client and server applications on a network, etc. This type of testing is especially relevant to client/server and distributed systems.

#27) Load Testing It is a type of non-functional testing and the objective of Load testing is to check how much of load or maximum workload a system can handle without any performance degradation. Load testing helps to find the maximum capacity of the system under specific load and any issues that cause the software performance degradation. Load testing is performed using tools like, LoadRunner, WebLoad, Silk performer etc. #28) Monkey Testing Monkey testing is carried out by a tester assuming that if monkey uses the application then how random input, values will be entered by the Monkey without any knowledge or understanding of the application. The objective of Monkey Testing is to check if application or system gets crashed by providing random input values/data.

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Monkey Testing is performed randomly and no test cases are scripted and it is not necessary to Monkey Testing is performed randomly and no test cases are scripted and it is not necessary to be aware of the full functionality of the system. #29) Mutation Testing Mutation Testing is a type of white box testing in which the source code of one of the program is changed and verifies whether the existing test cases can identify these defects in the system. The change in the program source code is very minimal so that it does not impact the entire application, only the specific area having the impact and the related test cases should able to identify those errors in the system. #30) Negative Testing Testers having the mindset of “attitude to break” and using negative testing they validate that if system or application breaks. Is performed using incorrect data, invalid data or input. It validates that if the system throws an error of invalid input and behaves as expected.

#31) Non-Functional Testing It is a type of testing for which every organization having a separate team which usually called as Non-Functional Test (NFT) team or Performance team. NFT testing involves testing of non-functional requirements such as Load Testing, Stress Testing, Security, Volume, Recovery Testing etc. The objective of NFT testing is to ensure whether the response time of software or application is quick enough as per the business requirement.

It should not take much time to load any page or system and should sustain during peak load. #32) Performance Testing This term is often used interchangeably with ‘stress’ and ‘load’ testing. Is done to check whether the system meets the performance requirements. Different performance and load tools are used to do this testing. #33) Recovery Testing It is a type of testing which validates that how well the application or system recovers from crashes or disasters. Recovery testing determines if the system is able to continue the operation after a disaster.

Assume that application is receiving data through the network cable and suddenly that network cable has been unplugged. Sometime later, plug the network cable; then the system should start receiving data from where it lost the connection due to network cable unplugged.

#34) Regression Testing Testing an application as a whole for the modification in any module or functionality is termed as Regression Testing. It is difficult to cover all the system in, so typically are used for these types of testing. #35) Risk-Based Testing (RBT) In Risk Based Testing, the functionalities or requirements are tested based on their priority. Risk-based testing includes testing of highly critical functionality, which has the highest impact on business and in which the probability of failure is very high.

The priority decision is based on the business need, so once priority is set for all functionalities then high priority functionality or test cases are executed first followed by medium and then low priority functionalities. The low priority functionality may be tested or not tested based on the available time. The Risk-based testing is carried out if there is insufficient time available to test entire software and software needs to be implemented on time without any delay. This approach is followed only by the discussion and approval of the client and senior management of the organization. #36) Sanity Testing Sanity Testing is done to determine if a new software version is performing well enough to accept it for a major testing effort or not. If an application is crashing for the initial use then the system is not stable enough for further testing.

Hence a build or an application is assigned to fix it. #37) Security Testing It is a type of testing performed by a special team of testers. A system can be penetrated by any hacking way. Is done to check how the software or application or website is secure from internal and external threats. This testing includes how much software is secure from the malicious program, viruses and how secure and strong the authorization and authentication processes are.

It also checks how software behaves for any hackers attack and malicious programs and how software is maintained for data security after such hacker attack. #38) Smoke Testing Whenever a new build is provided by the development team then the software testing team validates the build and ensures that no major issue exists. The testing team ensures that build is stable and a detailed level of testing is carried out further. Checks that no show stopper defect exists in the build which will prevent testing team to test the application in detail. If testers find that the major critical functionality is broken down at the initial stage itself then testing team can reject the build and inform accordingly to the development team.

Smoke Testing is carried out to a detailed level of any functional or regression testing. #39) Static Testing Static Testing is a type of testing which is executed without any code. The execution is performed on the documentation during the testing phase.

It involves reviews, walkthrough, and inspection of the deliverables of the project. Static testing does not execute the code instead of the code syntax, naming conventions are checked. The is also applicable for test cases, test plan, design document.

It is necessary to perform static testing by the testing team as the defects identified during this type of testing are cost-effective from the project perspective. #40) Stress Testing This testing is done when a system is stressed beyond its specifications in order to check how and when it fails. This is performed under heavy load like putting large number beyond storage capacity, complex database queries, continuous input to the system or database load. #41) System Testing Under, the entire system is tested as per the requirements. It is a Black-box type testing that is based on overall requirement specifications and covers all the combined parts of a system.

#42) Unit Testing Testing of an individual software component or module is termed as Unit Testing. It is typically done by the programmer and not by testers, as it requires a detailed knowledge of the internal program design and code. It may also require developing test driver modules or test harnesses. #43) Usability Testing Under this testing, User-friendliness check is done. Application flow is tested to know if a new user can understand the application easily or not, Proper help documented if a user gets stuck at any point.

Basically, system navigation is checked in this testing. #44) Vulnerability Testing The testing which involves identifying of weakness in the software, hardware and the network is known as Vulnerability Testing. Malicious programs, the hacker can take control of the system, if it is vulnerable to such kind of attacks, viruses, and worms. So it is necessary to check if those systems undergo Vulnerability Testing before production. It may identify critical defects, flaws in the security.

#45) Volume Testing It is a type of non-functional testing performed by the performance testing team. The software or application undergoes a huge amount of data and Volume Testing checks the system behavior and response time of the application when the system came across such high volume of data. This high volume of data may impact the system’s performance and speed of the processing time. #46) White Box Testing This testing is based on the knowledge about the internal logic of an application’s code. It is also known as Glass box Testing. Internal software and code working should be known for performing this type of testing. Under this tests are based on the coverage of code statements, branches, paths, conditions etc.

For more information about white box testing and its types please click. Conclusion The above-mentioned testing types are just a part of testing. However, there is still a list of more than 100+ types of testing, but all testing types are not used in all types of projects. So I have covered some common Types of Software Testing which are mostly used in the testing life cycle. Also, there are alternative definitions or processes used in different organizations, but the basic concept is same everywhere.

These testing types, processes, and their implementation methods keep changing as and when the project, requirements, and scope changes. Happy Testing!!! 509 comments ↓ namita it was valuable information about types of testing Thanks Namita, Actually I was planning to have detail description of all types but later thought that it will be a big mess in single post. I will take one type at a time for future posting. Kiran kumare it is very usefull in software testers &students,alpha testing,beta testing sequrity testing.very usefull thanking u Mohammed Tammous I need samples from general checklist and detailed checklist, i need this to create control chart. Muralikrishna Maddu It’s really good.

It’s simple but giving good idea. Hello, my question is, in the real time after founding a bug and send it to the developer, if developer asks clear steps to better understanding of the bug, after sending also he is unable to understand then what is the status given by the developer in that situation? LOGU HI THIS INFERMATION IS NICE. I NEED FULL INFERMATION ABOUT MERCURY QUALITY CENTRECAN U SEND IT? The information provided by u is really helping out.

Can u give information about java testing? Hai, This my question.Plz reply answer for this.

Typically, if we know the basic knowledge for testing means that knowledge enough for all kinds software testing. Chengaiah difference between functional testing and systemtesting @ Naga Vishala – In this case developer might ask to bug reporter for more details about the bug and can make the status of bug as “Need more Info” @Thilak – The answer is NO! Think about development, If you have theoretical knowledge of any programming language say C, can you write a program using this language? No, you must have some hands-on knowledge. If you have basic knowledge of software testing then it’s not enough for all testing types. You can gain more knowledge of each type using your basic knowledge. @ chengaiah – Functional testing is black box testing without considering the program structure.

You verify the program using specification document. System testing is end to end application testing which includes whole application as one unit and generally tested for usability, functionality, performance, load. Hi, Plz reply.this que? I am 2007 batch passout.I got job in testing.Now only am entered in organization side.How to do in practical level. Meenu Congrats for entering into the corporate world.

You just archived first milestone. Now you have to prove your abilities. If you want to know how actually testing is carried out practically in companies go for this article: wendy can someone draw up a script for the subscription of a unique hotmail or account. Joyson what is ERP testing?

And how it will be done? Ashwini hi pls tell me the basic diff. Between sanity & smoke testing also the diff between retesting & regression testing b’cos huge material is available on this & it make lot of confusion so i’ll expect right answer from u so thax in advance Nazia what is black box testing aruna can u please explain sanity testing and smoke testing?

Garima what is server testing how to do it,what toos are used for this garima what web testing naveenbabu Black box testing means, it is done by testers only.integration,security, regression, Compatability, etc testings are coming in this black box testing. Any doughts send to me. My mail Harsha @ Aruna Sanity testing is done on an updated version of a software i.e. After adding the changes to the software, to check if it functions in the desired way. One example for that would be: suppose there is a new service pack for a windows operating system, then it is tested first to check whether the operating system works as required even after applying the new service pack or does it fail in any aspect. Smoke testing is generally done immediately after the development phase is over.

Its main aim is to find out that the software would provide its basic functionality and wouldnt crash completely, and to ensure that the software would be able to sustain the exhaustive list of test cases. Linkesh hi, All the info’s r really very helpful. Can u pls send me details about JIRA garima what is TBT?

Kavitha what is meant by test strategy? Yamini Hi, I Want to know about the meaning for thisTest strategy:Its a high level document, which defines the objectives of all test stages and techniques that you apply. Test Stratergy is nothing but, How we carry our entire Testing. 1)What are The Techniques we are going to use in the project. 2)What are the Types of Testing we are going to use. 3)Discuss abt H/w & S/w environment involved.

4)Roles and Responbilites. 5)Risk and Conclusion. Those infomartion are discussed. Test Plan is nothing but What to Test? Its describe Scope of the testing, Approach of testing, Featurees to be tested & Featurees to be not tested, H/w & s/w involved, Methods, Risk, Conclusion. Those information discuss here kavitha thanks for the information harsha madduri what is meant by conventional testing? Madduri what is ment by conventional testing sai This information is very useful for all who wants to enter into testing field.

Thanks alot for providing this information. I am also searching for a job in testing field in Boston. Now i am in H1 visa.i have done Msc.IT in chennai in the year 2002. Here Companies are looking for more Experienced persons with more skills in their resumes But i am not having any real time experience and am preparing through internet to attend interviews. So please give me suggestion that without having any experience how can i try for a job and tell me the sites which is more useful for me to learn easily bala I am also searching for a job in Testing field. Even i don’t have real experience. Can u please give me suggestion without experience how can i get a job in testing.

Recently i got h1 visa. I am So tensed. Whether I can face the interview or not?

Venky Hi to all, This is Venky. I am having some real-time doubts in software testing.

What do you do in Sanity Testing? I have got a bug in my application.

Then I reported it. But the developers are not accepting it as a bug. After so many negotiations they closed it as Deferred. But still I am feeling it as a bug. Because if the user uses it in such a way, definitely he will face the problem. But in the negotiations they said the user will not go in that way. What do I do now?

Venky Hi Nazia. Here I am giving the answer for your Question. Black Box Testing: Without knowing the internal content of the box checking the outer appearance and quality of the box. Due to this only the name comes like Black Box Testing. In software terms “Testing the Software without knowing the internal design of the application by keeping the Functionality in mind”.

Sairam Hi Meenu Can u please tell me what r the questions they ask in the interview. Because i am also planning to attend the interviews.

But i don’t have any experience. If u share your questions that is more help for me. Lakshman Friends, Could you please throw light on ad-hoc testing, who uses it and how?

Sunil Sharma what is the role of Independent Path in Unit testing vijay tomar what is real time testing.?, in which phase of SDLC testing is done??? Hello friends, Can you tell me,what will be the specifide result from the any project testing?

Sameer kadam Folks, Lot of people are asking difference between Smoke and Sanity testing. And the more info you get, more confused are you people becoming. Let’s make it simple Difference between Smoke and Sanity – Smoke testing is done to verify that the build (to be tested) is done properly. (The build is a new / updated version of software). The motive is to check that the application build is working fine and does not crash.

For example – say an application has following features – (say each feature has a page, so in this case there are 10 features; so its 10 pages) Login, Logout, Enter info, delete info, update info, Change address, search records, retire records, print form, generate reports etc Here’s how you will Smoke Test it – Check that each of the pages is displayed properly and there are no broken links between pages. Check that the buttons on the pages are clickable (not disabled or hidden). Check that you can traverse back and forth between pages. Check that you can see the help section pages, legal and disclaimer section on the pages (outgoing links on the pages) Check the look and feel of the pages (fonts and user text boxes displayed properly and no broken images or cluttered text or font scramble) – this is optional check unless you see something that is unreadable Check that you are able to enter info into input boxes (no need to do any transactions; just check whether you are able to input text on the pages or not). Note that you are not required to do any transactions in Smoke test. In other words you are not testing the functionality of the application but the application build itself.

Sanity Testing – is done to verify whether the new / updated build is functioning properly. (Note the difference – smoke checks the application build; sanity checks the build functionality at higher level.) Take the above example again – say an application has following features – Login, Logout, Enter info, delete info, update info, Change address, search records, retire records, print form, generate reports etc Here’s how you will Sanity Test it – Check that the customer critical functionality is working by performing at least one transaction for each of the major features. Your depth of sanity testing depends on the functionality of the application. Say there are 5 major features of that application. So you need to perform only one transaction for each of the feature (to verify that all the major features are working properly). (Sanity test concentrates on testing major features. A feature is said to be major if it is accessed by customer frequently or daily and its working is important to the business.

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) Now say the login, logout, enter info, delete info and generate records are the 5 main features on the application. Sanity test – Check that you are able to login Check the you are able to logout Check the you are able to enter the info and save record for new user. Check that you are able to delete data of existing user. Check that you can generate report for current date. You don’t need to test rest of the features.

Nor do you require to run other exhaustive test cases for each of these major features. Note that you just have to check that the basic functioning of the major features is working.

Don’t run end to end and multiple operation test cases in sanity. Just ran the Basic test case for which that feature is designed. Hope that now everyone has got clear understanding of Smoke and Sanity testing. And the Difference as Well. Lets make it Simple Cheers, Sameer K.

Raja hi I have finished BCA this year.I like to do testing course i dont know about testing any thing.if i join can i do well. Naveenbabu IT IS VERY USEFUL FOR INTERVIEWS Renu Hi All, Information provided here about the types of testing is of great help and also good differentiation between Smoke and Sanity Testing. I would like to have the information on ISTQB Certification if anybody can help me regarding the prepration and mail me the study material as i m planning to do. Thank you very much. Renu Tapaswini What is Aggregate testing? Sindhu Can u please tell me abt Attributes Testing.??

Renuka what is regression testing? Teja I completed my M.sc in Biochemistry(2003),Iam interested in software testing, I want to switch over to IT field,pls suggest me How can i? Eagerly waiting for reply. Rahul Maahi i have completed MCA and i m a fresher. I have done fast track course on software testing.

Your suggestions have helped me a lot. Tahnx i have complede bsc and i am fresher i have fast track cource on software testing.your sugestion have helped me a lot of thanks pakya it’s simply super,no one can understand easily thanks a lot really it helps me a lot G.Mallikarjun Sameer, wat abeautiful explanation about smoke and sanity testing.gr8.thax a lot. Bey bye gud day pakya what is web testing?can u tel me When an application is given for testing, with what initial condition the testing will be started and when are all the different types of testing done following the initial testing? Archana Naik Hi I have done MSc. IT in 2002.Also I have done a course of manual testing but I don’t have any work experience.Can I get a job in s/w testing?How should I prepare for that? Archana Naik hi I have done MSc.IT. In 2002 and also done a course of manual testing but I don’t have any work experience.Can I get a job in testing?

What should I do for that? Selvam can anyone light please,what is Test Stratergy and Test Plan? What is the difference between them? Pakya i am fully satisfied no more comments Raviraj It is sufficient for basic knowledge, I am satisfy. Prakash Rathod Information is very useful, It shows importance of testing. Soumya the provided information is really good and useful to the freshers soumya the provided information is really good and useful.

Can any one give the difference between system testing,functional testing and end-yo-end testing sandhya my question is: during the installation of QTP 9.2 i am getting an error message as “unable to install.net application”.due to this i am it is not possible for me to install QTP in my pC.pls if anyone knows the reason let me know selvam what is the difference between test plan and test strategy? Gaja can i known details about varius types of testing? Thirumalai Beautiful explanation. SAMPATH what is the difference between test plan and test strategy? Shashikumar V.K difference between bug and an error? Sampath gadiyaram test cases for incoming and outgoing calls in mobile.

Navtej this information is very good. All are valuable sudhakar good infousefull for every tester.thanksfor the info Neeraj It is a very good artical for gaining knowledge about the differenet types of software testing.The matter is good enough to learn and understand. Atul Hi, As a fresher i think its valuble information for me. Suba hi, I am finished mca this yr.i will interst study tesing course. It is useful for my future.wat abt tesing.then if i will study this course wat type of job will i search.pls give me reply. Carlos Ferrer Greetings, Sorry but the information given is not well categorized. Time permitting will clear things up.

Thanks Carlos shilpa Really usefull.thanks to all who have contributed jaykay Hello, Pls do forward Types of Test Case documents! Its very urget for me Tnx in advance can u pls explain configuration testing and environmental testing? Shankar hi, Pls tell me. I am studying mca final year.I am intersting in Testing side. So what i do? How to get a job in testing side?

What will i prepare? What they want when i go Interview in testing job. Sowmya @SELVAM AND @SAMPATH test plan is high level doc mostly prepared by test lead which contains various infmtn like version,testing approaches,test strategies,prioritising the tests,test case design,approval for test cases,bug report generation,regression testing,release notes etc and test strategy is something like what we are gng to test? I.e, it’s a description of what is gng to be tested. Phalguna which is the most effect tool for testing for PHP &.Net projects, and how to use.

Vishal Chhaperia Hi Phalguna, I think PHP &.NET have some inbuild tools which can be used to run test script. Or if dont have u can download it for free! Call me: +327 mail me: phalguna Present i am working in software company.Temper data (tool) is use in our company it’s a open source tool it’s effective testing tool or not.plese tell me which the most effective tool evailble in open source.

Phalguna what is test plan how to write properly? Mohammed Faruk Hi I got a lot of info from this site. The defn for the all the testing types are ready nice:-) prashant katkar HI EVERY ONE TELL ME HOW TO WRITE TEST CASE?

Eg like mobile, fan etc plese ergnt pavitra A test plan is the base line for all the testing activities A test plan addresses what to do? And how to do?