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FRED DOUGHERTY’S DUCT DESIGN PAGE This page updated February 18, 2012 The graphic above is an AutoCAD layout of a small office air conditioning system. This graphic is reproduced from Chapter 12 of my book, where the principles of duct design and sizing are explained. Prominent on this layout are the dark lines that represent supply air ducts and the green lines that represent return air ducts. Numbers indicate duct dimensions. For those unfamiliar with drawing convention of duct layout, round duct sizes are indicated as RND, and rectangular duct sizes have two numbers as 12x10, where the first number is the dimension in the plane of the layout. Thus 12x10 denotes a duct with inside dimensions of 12 inches wide and 10 inches high. If an elevation (side view) of this duct is shown, the dimensions would read 10x12.

This is the first Article in our new Course HVAC-2: Electrical Rules and Calculations for Air-Conditioning Systems, which will list, explain, and discuss with.

  1. 10, This spreadsheet uses revised versions of the printed D3 worksheets. 12, Use the printed D3 manual for guidance to enter information into the Effective Length. 13, Friction Rate and Duct Sizing tabs. 15, Microsoft Excel version 97 is the minimum requirement to use the spreadsheet but Microsoft.
  2. Download Hvac Excel Calculator - best software for. Duct Calculator combines advanced duct airflow and sizing capabilities with an intuitive user interface that.

On this page I am making available an Excel workbook I created to assist me with determining duct size and fan external static pressure requirements. A paper that explains the workbook and how the macros were developed will be found.

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Duct Sizing Excel Program

Since I initially created the spread sheet, I have incorporated some improvements to make it easier to use and understand. There is now an input sheet where the user can input all of the needed data. Also, the iteration method of performing the original rough duct sizing has been improved and no longer requires running a macro. Instead, User Defined Functions (UDFs) have been incorporated so that the rough sizing is performed automatically and instantly when the macro 'friction factor' is run. The input sheet was developed by a Mr.

Lee, whose full name I have misplaced. The UDFs were created by Tom Lester. The spread sheet described in the article above can be downloaded by left clicking. Directions for inputs and running the macro are on sheet 1 of the workbook. Click for additional notes to on using the spread sheet.


Contact me if you have questions, comments, or suggestions.

This release is a major update to the PA surface enhancement capability, which can provide more than an order-of-magnitude improvement to Refine accuracy in the case when electrode surfaces are not aligned to grid units. A PA/Refine/GEM: Add PA surface enhancement support in Refine, PA load/save, GEM processing, and Modify screen 2D view display. A: new examples demonstrating surface enhancement. c The older 8.1.0 (non-optimized) gemrefine implementation of surface enhancement is now deprecated. Also moved old experimental enhancedrefine example into.

This release improves SLTools STL-PA function accuracy, adds an example reloading a FLY2 from a user program, and fixes some GUI bugs. A SLTools(STL-PA): New solid strategy: solid under surface normals in STL-PA conversion provides much of the same accuracy as no extra solid points but ensures electrodes are solid. This is now the default strategy.B. A SLTools(STL-PA): New option to overlap/compare STL and PA objects in “STL-PA” View output window, available via “PA” and “STL” checkboxes. Useful for checking conversion accuracy. X SLTools(STL-PA): Fix non-“square cells” with “region rotate” defined.

Mm/gu sizes were being applied to wrong axes, causing obvious distortions to geometric aspect ratio. A: new example of reloading a FLY2 file from a workbench user program and passing adjustable variables to it. X GUI(marking): Fix mark selections losing focus about five seconds after start of dragging mouse on Modify and View screens. Affects Vista/Win7 (not XP) with SIMION 7.0- (Details: was due to Vista “ghost window” feature in PeekMessage.).B. x GUI(Refine): Fix Refine window controls disabled when loading IOB from batch mode ( simion.exe example.iob or 'example.iob') or Windows shortcut.B.

x Print: Fix “scaling factor” on Print Options screen getting reset to 1. Affects WMF/EMF/PNG/BMP/JPG outputs in 8.0.5-,B. also released with backported bug fixes. This service pack release adds dielectric material support for Refine, a new “fieldemission” example illustrating multi-PA refines and emission from curved surfaces, new API functions for accessing workbench fields, a variety of new examples and documentation, and other features.

“Early access mode” is also enabled, allowing previewing new magnetic permeability and magnetic vector potential capabilities in Refine slated for SIMION 8.2. A Refine(dielectrics): Add dielectric solving support to Refine. See and the new. A Programming(segments): New load user program segment called on workbench load. A: Add functions for accessing potentials and fields in workbench coordinates (mm) from PA instances or workbenches. These are, and.

See for details. x Prog(Lua): Update to version 5.1.5. A GEM: A PA can be marked “not refinable” by using an underscore in the padefine command type argument (e.g. Electric or magnetic). This is equivalent to simion.pas pa.refinable false.

This is useful for PAs that store some special field type that should not be automatically refined in the usual manner. It is used extensively in and. c GEM: Disable “no fill definitions” warning if PA empty. a: Add function to draw contours in only specific PA instances.

Duct Sizing Excel Program

A: new field emission cathode example, illustrating field-dependent emission, nested course/fine arrays (useful for higher field accuracy), and linking adjustable variables to GEM and FLY2 parameters. A: new more extensive magnetic sector example. A: new Kingdon trap / quadro-logarithmic / orbitrap-like example. A: add% transmission calculation example. c: contourlib81: support multiple plots in the same call, while ensuring they are drawn on the same scale. a: add Fluent gas flow conversion example script. a: add particledistancetraveled program example (computes total distance in mm particle traveled).

a /: Added anisotropic cell scaling support. Added alternate sub-example using SIMION PA objects ( simionpa.iob). Added fa:converttopas (convert to SIMION PAs). Minor fix to error message when.csv file has wrong number of data points. A: new page on accuracy comments. A,: add new notes. c,: expand docs some.

x: add reserved variables to index.tz20120213. c: add cross references. c: Add collision diagram. c GUI(menu): improve Help menu organization and link to manual search.tz20120213.

Excel Program Help

x GUI(View): PA instance Add/Rpl no longer shrinks instance inside single pixel mark. Previously, if a zero sized rectangle was marked (e.g. Simply by clicking the graphics window), often unintentionally, then using PA Instance Add/Rpl buttons would resize the PA instance to fill that tiny mark, as seen by a small scale in the Positioning panel. x Help: improve interlinking mechanism between supplemental help and examples. x Programming(PRG): Fixed recent regressions in old PRG programming (for completeness): Fixed segment (new in wasn’t also working in PRG. Fixed Program Test Restore All crash with PRG using (new in

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Fixed Program Test Run Segment crash with PRG using certain new vars like. x Programming: deny access to reserved variable at top-level. x GUI(View): Fixed possible View screen crashing in drawing certain PA instance rotations (continuation of patch in c GUI(View): Avoid printing View screen mouse hover information to Log window when refining (e.g. 2D(xy) x:., y:. mm.). Typically occurred in poisson examples.

x: Ensure constraint painst.scale. pa.dxmm 1E-6 since PA cells with mm/gu.