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  1. Neverwinter Nights 2 Multiplayer

Aug 29, 2012. Neverwinter Nights had an entire BOOK in the box for learning DnD rules and setups. Permalink; embed. I once played a mage in a D&D campaign online using only the book that came with Baldur's Gate 2. Used to play this two player using a Lan cable strung over the fence. Home; Adam smith; capital asset; depreciation; durable; economics; s; non-renewable resource; physical capital; production; service; stock. A guide intended to introduce new players to multiplayer Neverwinter Nights and give some suggestions and tips for how to get the most out of the experience.

This is a very hard game to review, and I think a lot of people get it wrong. This isn't just any standard game, it's an experience. It not only includes an official campaign, but an integrated multiplayer system and strong support for custom campaigns in the form of the toolset. It aims to emulate D&D on a computer, and it succeeds to some extent.

In order to make an accurate judgement, you need to consider it as a whole. The official campaign has a great number of weaknesses. The story isn't as involving as those of previous games such as Baldur's Gate or the highly underrated Planescape Torment (which boasts a truly amazing storyline and is well worth playing).

Plus the gameplay is very repetitive. The first chapter is visit four areas and bring back four objects. The second chapter is visit four areas and bring back two objects, etc. I did feel a little involved at times but it just wasn't enough.


The characters were mostly lifeless and dull. I felt no sadness or emotion through what happened to them. I can't help but feel Bioware are pampering to the hack & slash fans with this one. It's all very Diablo (with slightly more story) - a Diablo style henchman, Diablo style respawn system, Diablo style levels brimming with enemies and more powerful 'boss' encounters. It's a little disappointing that this is the way Bioware have gone.

The game would have been infinitely better had they stuck with the same party-based system from previous games. I enjoyed Diablo, but it just doesn't work with a different style of RPG, as the dull and lifeless Dungeon Siege has shown. You're not concerned about making it to level 69 in Neverwinter Nights, you should be concerned with the story.

That's where the analysis of some people ends. You're missing out on a huge amount of fun if you're judging this purely on an out of the box game. It offers the possibility of limitless adventures. Interacting with people online is hugely fun and allows for a more cerebral experience than that of multiplayer Diablo. Someone has levelled the criticism that Rogues are pointless. Well, they are in the official campaign.

Not in the plethora of custom created modules out there. Cbt nuggets crack download offline pc. Someone out there will have the same idea of a perfect game as you, and they'll likely have created a module of their own in that style. Browsing through custom content you can see some great modules, everything from pure hack & slash to role-playing masterpieces, serious and emotive adventures to laugh-out-loud parodies.

There really are enough modules out there to suit everybody. Many of them are of exceptional quality too.

The Penultima series of modules is great if you're looking for a parody, Tragedy in Tragidor is a heavyweight storyline module and Scourge of Vallenwood is a great multiplayer hack & slash module. Remakes of classic D&D modules are also available, including Pool of Radiance and Spires of Ravenloft. Look at the custom modules before judging Neverwinter Nights. As for the toolset itself, I can't level enough praise on it.

It's very simple and easy to pick up if you're committed. While more complicated things require scripting, you can plonk down areas and quests easily enough. Since I bought Neverwinter Nights over two months ago I haven't played anything else - I've been hard at work creating my own module in the toolset.

Sadly, the game is marred by quite a few bugs and instability. Although most of the bugs have now been fixed, it does mean a bit of patching and updating, and I'm disappointed Bioware didn't spend more time in testing getting these things sorted before unleashing the game on unsuspecting customers.

It does seem that Bioware is giving the game great support - they've got a Live Team working continuously on adding new features to the game. Existing releases include chess, battleships, and a strange penguins vs. Chickens game. Not to my taste but surely some people will enjoy them. The Bioware Live Team are also developing a new campaign - Witchwork - which will be free to download from the internet. If it's half as good as it sounds, it'll be the best thing I've played so far.


Overall, despite the poor quality of the official campaign and the drawbacks of the system used, Neverwinter Nights provides an honestly fun experience. If you just want to play something out of the box, then this isn't for you. If you're looking for the multiplayer and custom aspects of the game, or intend to build your own modules - this is by far the best thing on offer. Having played (and really enjoyed) the Baldurs Gate series, I expected NWN to be more of the same, only bigger and better. AD&D 3rd edition rules and very different from what went before - so different that the promise of being able to import BG characters was quietly forgotton.

The graphics are good, and the game play is OK, but the AI engine is appaling. NPC's will walk onto traps they themselves found, will fail to show even the bare minimum of good sense in battle and, unlike BG, you can't micro manage them to get around the problem. Were it not for the editor allowing the gaming community to write their own modules, this game would have dropped a star. As it is, it just about comes out as worth buying. After recently buying Medal Of Honour, i was dissapointed on how quick i completed it (1 week) and how linear the story was. Neverwinter Nights is a complete breath of fresh air and is a type of genre thats not been done over and over again.

Theres a huge universe to explore at your leisure with a really immersive story line to boot. There are weeks and weeks of gameplay here.

If you are looking for a good meaty game to get your teeth into that will take you a good while to complete then buy this now!! I've played a few of these games over the years, from Dunjunz on the BBC to Morrowwind III: THe Elder Scrolls. The later is a great game: stunning graphics, organic character developement stemming from the skills you actually use during the game, reaction variances between different NPC's based on your race, quality of clothing, personality etc.

But it's only a single player game. Neverwinter Nights, whilst containing a single player game to get you started, really comes into it's own when you play with friends on line, much like the original table-top game. Neverwinter Nights utilises the D&D rules set, the merits and demerits of which have been a source of debate since the game's conception. It's always been somewhat peicemeal, a bit arbitrary. But in this game you hardly notice. The game interface is superb.

The game looks good and sounds great, and has some nice touches: when you make your character laugh, issue orders etc, other players will hear you (which is an advance over the Camelot on-line game with which NWN might be said to be competing). If I have a criticism it is that the game, like the rules system, doesn't include much detail in the way players can interact with NPC's such as merchants, plot characters etc. The point about roleplaying is that it is about adopting a personae to some degree. Combat has always been a favourite constituent too, of course, but combat is more enjoyable when it represents a real threat to your lovingly crafted character. Consequently, the game's -already huge- community most often entertains itself with forming into groups to trawl through scenarios full of monsters.

More complex social entanglements, which potentially raise roleplaying above the shoot-em up game, remain rare. But there is the possibilty of something more here: NWN includes one of the most expansive and accessible toolsets of any game. With this you can begin to create your own scenarios and adventures.

And the on-line community is buzzing with the cross-fertilisation of ideas and techniques to get the most out of the game. The freedom and creativity this game incites may well make it greater than the sum of it's parts, and it's community a phenomena in it's own right. Single Player Campaign: enjoyable and compelling, but not up to the standards set by the Baldur's Gate series. Partly this is a difference in focus: the SP campaign is only part of the package with NWN, whereas it was the major feature of BG. My view is that the BG campaigns were small masterpieces, while the NWN single-player campaign is a very cool, extended and enjoyable demo of what the toolset can do. Toolset: reasonably easy to make simple campaigns (download the tutorial PDF from Bioware's web site).

To make really impressive adventures and storylines you're going to need to put a lot of work in, both in learning the scripting language and creating all the details needed. Somewhat unstable - some systems/graphics cards seem to cope with the toolset much better than others. At least Bioware is actively releasing patches so hopefully this sort of problem will lessen with time. Multiplayer: can't comment, haven't tried it yet. I've set up a server on my LAN and connected to that, so the mechanism works fine. I can't imagine going through the entire SP campaign in MP mode (for a while, anyway:-) but as the NWN community releases new modules this side of it will surely take off. Caveats: don't buy expecting BGIII.

There's none of the banter that you got from Minsc etc. And while you could script that sort of thing in your own modules, where are you going to find such good voice acting? On a similar note, you're very much alone, rather than a member of a party (except in MP mode of course). Don't expect to be able to exercise precise control over tactics with archers and spell casters at the back etc. Because in the SP game it's just you, and possibly one henchman who's largely independent. For me, it's the lure of the toolset that makes this game so compelling. If I'd just bought for the SP campaign, I'd be disappointed.

Be aware that you need multiple copies if you want to play LAN games at home; each player needs a different CD key. Maybe this game doesn't create a world as belivable as Morrowind, but that is it's only main flaw. Apart from the few unnoticable glitches. Using D&D Third Edition rules, this allows you to create you character however you want, not limiting it to the games' engine rules and only allowing certain classes to go with others.

Will you play a brave warrior with sneaky theif tendancies? Or will you play a druidic nature-lover with powereful berserker skills? It's your choice. The storyline may not be the greatest I've ever played through, although it does enough to support you with a few hours of play each time you go through, and the more characters you go through with the more used to it you will get, but you get to explore different aspects of the game with different classes, etc. This game doesn't have the character interactions of Baldur's Gate 2. (I loved the romances.) But with some of the hirelings you can complete certain quests for them where you find a certain item and they thank you for it and so on. And then with Lady Aribeth you have somewhat of a romance, but nothing on the scale of BG2, but no RPG has produced a story that good since.

There are also plenty of side-missions/quests to fill in your time between the main storyline, and there will be people producing mods for this game for a long time to come, so there should be something new for a long time to come. There are few RPGs - even PC games - more eagerly awaited than BioWare's Neverwinter Nights, the company's next RPG after the critically-acclaimed Baldur's Gate series. It was always going to be ambitious, and from the beginning BioWare wanted to not only have a single-player game experience, but also a powerful multiplayer one. Because of this, Neverwinter Nights is not just one program, but three - the player client, the DM client, and the Aurora Toolset.

The player client is as far as most people's experience with Neverwinter extends, since it can be used to run the single-player game, as well as play in multiplayer. Graphics don't rival Doom III, but are the best I've seen in a 3D RPG, with some very nice dynamic shadows and animations. Sound is atmospheric, as in the Baldur's Gate series, although not quite as effective. As you'll no doubt read in other reviews, the single-player campaign is flawed. Its story is good, but it's marred by annoying henchman AI and other glitches (an NPC recently called my male character a woman.) There's the opportunity to go far beyond this enjoyable but not exceptional game in multiplayer mode. Baldur's Gate had a multiplayer mode tacked on almost as an afterthought - you just played through the normal game with friends. Neverwinter's Toolset allows you to very easily create your own game, however - it's the same tool that BioWare used for the single-player game, and therefore powerful, but also simple to use.

Programming is only needed for advanced features, as you can often use BioWare's. Once you've built a 'module', you can play it online, or even be the Dungeon Master - a special mode reminiscent of traditional D&D where one person makes the world come alive by directly controlling all the NPCs and monsters.

A good module and an imaginative DM are what you really need to have a great game of Neverwinter Nights. There's already a huge community working on modules and running games, and shows much promise for the future.

If you're expecting another Diablo or Dungeon Hack, Neverwinter is not for you - you don't get much out of it playing it that way. But when everything falls into place, multiplayer Neverwinter Nights has to be considered the best RPG experience yet on a computer. At last I plucked up the courage and resolved to buy 'yet another game'. But when I got into this game, I realised this was no ordinary game and very soon became money well spent.


I think the key to the game's success is its range of appeal to a broad range of types of players. Within the same game (and especially in multiplayer scenarios), I can identify all these ways of enjoying the game: 1. You can make your own characters, clothing, weaponry and custom items. I can spend hours of doing just this because it's so much fun. You can take your players and custom items with you into other multiplayer servers too (if they've allowed it in their settings). Kick back and socialise in multiplayer servers. Enjoy scenary, take snap shots of special moments with friends.

Great for hard-core DnD players! Build your own worlds, and have others come and play in them. You have so much to choose from in the way of tile sets, creatures, placeables and items. The Aurora Toolset that comes with the game helps you build worlds with ease. Use the Bioware.com web site as your Guild's web portal.

This makes running a Guild web site very very easy. If you're a programmer you can even script new functionality into the worlds you build. In the game, using scripting, I've made dragons fly, edible food, NPCs that act out scenes, quests, ritual magic (do a series of things to make a magic spell work, for example), teleporting. The possibilities are endless! Team up with other players to jointly solve quests.

Single player game play is never dull. Not only do you get the modules that come with the game, but you can download more from the Internet that other players have made. Not only is it good for role playing, but it's great for hack-and-slash playing too. Dungeon Masters have excellent tools available to them, and seriously makes pen and paper seem like a waste of time. Plus, any extra tools you need can probably be scripted into your custom modules, should you need them!

Server administrators can enjoy the ease of running dedicated multiplayer servers on Linux, Mac and Windows platforms. Bioware are very good with the software patches, and they listen very carefully to customer feedback through their forums. Many of the new features being added are based on what people ask for in the game.

If ever you get bored of one way of playing the game, you can simply switch to different and equally-interesting activities in the same game. This is what has kept me playing the same game for 7 months now, almost solid. A word of warning: make time to eat, drink and sleep in real life. I thought Baldur's Gate(BG) 1&2 were both fantastic games so i bought Neverwinter nights on it's release day. This game is quite different to BG - for a start the graphics are a bit like a cross between quake and BG, with different camera modes with which to watch the action (i.e. In follow mode the camera follows behind as you move.). Spells and traps are alot more 'wow' with big booms and bright lights.

Character building has improved with a high degree of flexibility - it's based on a points system. When you level up you spend the points allocated as you wish, but now you can get skills that are outside your profession (i.e. A Ranger can gain Lockpicking) though these cost more than 'in profession' skills. In play, the user interface is pretty easy to get the hang of after a brief, non-patronising tutorial.

You can also see where the added multiplayer functionality is - you can salute, issue orders, cry for help.etc. With this game you don't get a gang of characters to direct though you can hire a henchmen to aid you. You cannot direct these characters as much as BG and that adds to the fun. Combat is alot more fluid where you can get a gang of cuttthroats leap out of nowhere and run towards you - if you run off - they give chase (there is a difference between run and walk in this game) and you chose whether to stay or fight. Pause function is still there and death isn't necessarily final with a respawn function. All in all this game leans alot more towards role playing a single character.

It is different to BG but those who liked that won't be disappointed - multiplayer games could be a riot!! My PC is 1GHz 64Mb graphic card & 256Mb Ram just over the recommended spec, and it runs fine - the game will configure itself to your system so i don't know how it fares on lesser machines - worth bearing in mind before you buy. This much awaited follow-on from Baldur's Gate will not disappoint. The story line is gripping, the graphics,sound and controls are excellent and it will provide many long and enjoyable hours of play.

In single player mode there are one or two annoying little features. I missed the traditional mix of a multi-skilled party of different characters because NWN allows only one 'henceman' character to join your party.

Neverwinter Nights 2 Multiplayer

The henceman character is pre-set (although you have several to choose from) and you cannot adjust this character or his/her skills in any way. Secondly, I found the replay value to be quite poor. There is not enough variation to allow full enjoyment the second or third time round. However, don't let these minor glitches put you off buying.

Overall, it's very good value for money. Having Played through Baldurs gate2 and Throne of Bhaal I egarly awaited the release of nwn. All i can say is, it was worth the wait. For a start the Game has far improved graphics and a view which allows you to interact more with the game and get closer to the action.

The single player campagin is well designed to allow players who want to quickly complete the game do so, but also allows the players who must explore every last cornor of every area to reap the benifits of the side-quests. These benifits can range from money to impressive magical weapons. As the plot progresses you get more attached to your character and feel part of the virtual world. Overall the game is fun to play and with the new mods that are being released for it all the time will keep you entertained for weeks if not months!

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