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By: Product Strategy Director Today's workforce is fundamentally different and no longer limited to the office. Mobile devices are integral companions in today's modern work life. HTML Email Approvals provide the always-connected manager an effective method of monitoring and staying on top of approval requests. For example, a manager is often required to approve last minute requests such as vacation, sick, maternity leave, expense report, promotion, or other tasks while he is away from his office. PeopleSoft HTML Email Approvals facilitates the mobile managers the ability to review and take approval actions without the need to log into their system to perform the tasks. The HTML approvals are delivered templates that enable the PeopleSoft application to send, receive, and process emails with interactive content.

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Integration broker setup in peoplesoft

The managers will be able to take approval actions without having to connect through the firewall/intranet or log into a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to access the PeopleSoft system. The HTML approvals can be access from any email client (e.g. Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird) and using various devices (e.g. Laptop, smart phone, or tablet). HTML Email Approvals HTML Email Approvals works in conjunction with PeopleSoft Approval Workflow Engine (AWE). The approval email is generated when a user triggers an action such as submitting a vacation request (see Figure 1). The action is processed using our PeopleSoft Integration Broker.

Awe Setup In Peoplesoft

When the manager opens the email, the manager will be able to approve, deny, or push back on the pending request. The process is transparent to the everyday manager and the transaction is securely updated using PeopleSoft single sign-on and Integration Broker.

Integration Broker Setup In Peoplesoft

Even you can test the approval route, through process defination.even I agree the red paper is quite good. Unlike Expense approval process setup,epro is quite straighforward.drop me an email,I mightbe help. Sent from my iPod On Feb 19, 2010, at 4:38 PM, 'andrew via peopletools-l' wrote: Posted by andrew on Feb 19 at 4:41 PM Mark as helpful I've done it before, but I can't remember all the steps. There is, however, a decent red paper discussing what you need to do. I believe it was slanted towards HR, but the underlying AE classes are generic anyway. You could get the red paper from the oracle customer support website.

Requester Setup In Peoplesoft

Awe Setup In PeoplesoftAwe Setup In Peoplesoft

Jan 10, 2015. Please Follow AWE Workflow Other 4 Parts. Part 1 – Contains Record, Component, Pages & Menu Creation ( Create A Simple AWE PeopleSoft ); Part 2 – Contains AWE Transaction Registration, Configuration, Approval Process & Generic Template Setup in thru PeopleSoft Portal ( Create A Simple AWE.