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Developer Biography from Daniel Opitz 1990: A while after Daniel Opitz's 12th birthday, he programmed for the first time in his life, because his father gave him a paper with a sourcecode for the Atari 800 XL or C-128 (=C-64) home computer. Then he started programming his first programs in the programming language 'Basic', on the Atari 800 XL and Commodore 128 (=C 64) home computers. For example vocabulary learning programs, and some first little 2D-Graphic programs. He had sent his vocabulary learning program to a C-64 Magazine, but unfortunately wasn't able to get it published. He also did some programming in the Assembler and Machine languages too (a clock for example). Later, and now on the Personal Computer, he programmed with QBasic and a little with HTML. Even with MIDI in a software sequencer Software he 'programmed' (Music).

Using Mouse With Windows 8

He programmed his first small game engine 'DOsDXKlassen' and some 2D and 3D-graphic programs. 2007/08: Daniel published 3 self-programmed software applications: - (A Text-to-Speach Freeware in german language) - (A BPM friendly Text-to-Speach Shareware in german language with complete Docu) - (Use Buttons like a graphical pattern, to made your password. A Freeware in german language) Then he programmed his second game engine: the 'Ghost World 3D Game Engine'.

Tetris Game Using Mouse With Windows 7

In 2008 he published his first self-made 3D-Game.

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