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The Truth for sale: How to fight the evil and make some money on it too. The Truth for sale: How to fight the evil and make some money on it too. John White Pole Shift Pdf Reader. 7 Ernest left Fir Lodge to go to Dulwich College. Henry desired. For his son to enter the medical field but Ernest. Nov 30, 1999. Download Pole Shift by John White DJVU 628. White includes in this thoroughly researched work predictions about a possible pole shift from moder.

  1. Pole Shift 2017
  2. Pole Shift Map Of United States

The path of the south Celestial pole amongst the stars due to the effect of precession Pole star or polar star is a name of in the, after its property of being the star closest to the 's north. Indeed, the name Polaris, introduced in the 18th century, is shortened from stella polaris, meaning 'pole star'. Polaris is also known as Lodestar, Guiding Star, or from its property of remaining in a fixed position throughout the course of the night and its use in.

It is a dependable indicator of the direction toward the geographic north pole, although not exact; it is virtually fixed, and its angle of elevation can also be used to determine. The south celestial pole lacks a bright star like Polaris to mark its position. At present, the naked-eye star nearest to the celestial south pole is the faint, which is sometimes called the.

The identity of the pole stars gradually changes over time because the celestial poles exhibit a slow continuous drift through the star field. The primary reason for this is the of Earth's rotational axis, which causes its orientation to change over time. Precession causes the celestial poles to trace out circles on the approximately once every 26,000 years, passing close to different stars at different times (with an additional slight shift due to the of the stars). In a more general sense, a pole star may be any fixed close to either celestial pole of any given planetary body. Contents.

History In, (Kochab) was closer to the celestial north pole than Alpha Ursae Minoris. While there was no naked-eye star close to the pole, the midpoint between Alpha and Beta Ursae Minoris was reasonably close to the pole, and it appears that the entire constellation of, in antiquity known as (Greek Κυνοσούρα 'dog's tail') was used as indicating the northern direction for the purposes of navigation by the. The ancient name of Ursa Minor, anglicized as, has since itself become a term for 'guiding principle' after the constellation's use in navigation. Alpha Ursae Minoris (Polaris) was described as ἀειφανής 'always visible' by in the 5th century, when it was still removed from the celestial pole by about 8°. It was known as scip-steorra ('ship-star') in 10th-century, reflecting its use in navigation.

At around the same time, in the Hindu, it became personified under the name ('immovable, fixed'). In the medieval period, Polaris was also known as stella maris 'star of the sea' (from its use for navigation at sea), as in e.g.

1272), in the translation of (1397): 'by the place of this sterre place and stedes and boundes of the other sterres and of cercles of heven ben knowen: therefore astronomers beholde mooste this sterre. Then this ster is dyscryved of the moste shorte cercle; for he is ferre from the place that we ben in; he hydeth the hugenesse of his quantite for unmevablenes of his place, and he doth cerfifie men moste certenly, that beholde and take hede therof; and therfore he is called stella maris, the sterre of the see, for he ledeth in the see men that saylle and have shyppemannes crafte.' Polaris was associated with from an early time, being a title of the Blessed Virgin. This tradition goes back to a misreading of 's translation of ', De nominibus hebraicis (written ca. Jerome gave stilla maris 'drop of the sea' as a (false) Hebrew etymology of the. This stilla maris was later misread as stella maris; the misreading is also found in the manuscript tradition of 's (7th century); it probably arises in the; a late 9th-century manuscript of Jerome's text still has stilla, not stella, but, also writing in the 9th century, makes an explicit reference to the 'Star of the Sea' metaphor, saying that Mary is the 'Star of the Sea' to be followed on the way to Christ, 'lest we capsize amid the storm-tossed waves of the sea.' The name stella polaris was coined in the Renaissance, even though at that time it was well recognized that it was several degrees away from the celestial pole; in the year 1547 determined this distance as 3°7'.

An explicit identification of Mary as stella maris with the North Star ( Polaris) becomes evident in the title Cynosura seu Mariana Stella Polaris (i.e. 'Cynosure, or the Marian Polar Star'), a collection of Marian poetry published by Nicolaus Lucensis (Niccolo Barsotti de Lucca) in 1655. Precession of the equinoxes As of October 2012, Polaris had the +89°19′8″ (at it was +89°15′51.2″). Therefore, it always appears due north in the sky to a precision better than one degree, and the angle it makes with respect to the true horizon (after correcting for refraction and other factors) is equal to the latitude of the observer to better than one degree. The celestial pole will be nearest Polaris in 2100 and will thereafter become more distant. Due to the (as well as the stars' proper motions), the role of North Star has passed (and will pass) from one star to another in the remote past (and in the remote future).

Pole Shift 2017

In 3000 BC, the faint star in the was the North Star. At magnitude 3.67 (fourth magnitude) it is only one-fifth as bright as Polaris, and today it is invisible in urban skies.

During the 1st millennium BC, β Ursae Minoris was the bright star closest to the celestial pole, but it was never close enough to be taken as marking the pole, and the Greek navigator in ca. 320 BC described the celestial pole as devoid of stars. In the, the celestial pole was about equally distant from α Ursae Minoris ( Cynosura) and ( Kochab). The precession of the equinoxes takes about 25,770 years to complete a cycle. Polaris' mean position (taking account of and ) will reach a maximum of +89°32'23', which translates to 1657' (or 0.4603°) from the celestial north pole, in February 2102. Its maximum apparent declination (taking account of and ) will be +89°32'50.62', which is 1629' (or 0.4526°) from the celestial north pole, on 24 March 2100.

(also known as Alrai, situated 45 light-years away) will become closer to the northern celestial pole than Polaris around 3000 AD. Will become the pole star some time around 5200 AD. First-magnitude will be within 5° of the North Pole in 10,000 AD.

When Polaris becomes the North Star again around 27,800 AD, due to its it then will be farther away from the pole than it is now, while in 23,600 BC it was closer to the pole. Southern pole star (South Star). Main article: Currently, there is no South Star as useful as. Is the closest star to the south Celestial pole, but at 5.45 it is barely visible on a, making it unusable for navigational purposes.

It is a 275 from Earth. Its from the pole is about 1° (as of 2000 ).

The constellation functions as an approximate southern pole constellation, by pointing to where a southern pole star would be. At the, it is possible to see both Polaris and the Southern Cross. The Celestial south pole is moving toward the Southern Cross, which has pointed to the south pole for the last 2000 years or so.

As a consequence, the constellation is no longer visible from subtropical northern latitudes, as it was in the time of the. Around 200 BC, the star was the nearest bright star to the Celestial south pole. Around 2800 BC, was only 8 degrees from the south pole. In the next 7500 years, the south Celestial pole will pass close to the stars (4200 AD), (5800 AD), (Aspidiske, 8100 AD) and (9200 AD). From the eightieth to the ninetieth centuries, the south Celestial pole will travel through the. Around 14,000 AD, when Vega is only 4° from the North Pole, will be only 8° from the South Pole and thus circumpolar on the latitude of Bali (8°S). Other planets Pole stars of other planets are defined analogously: they are stars (brighter than 6th magnitude, i.e., visible to the naked eye under ideal conditions) that most closely coincide with the projection of the planet's axis of rotation onto the Celestial sphere.

Different planets have different pole stars because their axes are oriented differently. (See.). is the south pole star of while is the north star.

is the closest star to the northern pole of. Is the closest to the south pole. is the south pole star of the. is only a couple of degrees from the south Celestial pole of. The top two stars in the, and, point to the north Celestial pole of Mars.

The north pole of is a little over two degrees away from, while its south pole is, a relatively faint (magnitude 6.63) star in Dorado. is the south pole star of. is the north pole star of and is its south pole star.

The north pole of points to a spot midway between Gamma and Delta Cygni. Its south pole star is. See also.

. South Geographic Pole. (2007).

(2005). The South Pole, also known as the Geographic South Pole or Terrestrial South Pole, is one of the two points where the intersects its surface. It is the southernmost point on the surface of the and lies on the opposite side of the Earth from the.

Situated on the continent of, it is the site of the, which was established in 1956 and has been permanently staffed since that year. The Geographic South Pole should not be confused with the or the.

The which is defined based on the Earth's magnetic field and the: The place exactly opposite of the South Pole. The South Pole is at the center of the. The Ceremonial South Pole as of February 2008. For most purposes, the Geographic South Pole is defined as the southern point of the two points where the Earth's intersects its surface (the other being the ). However, the Earth's axis of rotation is actually subject to very small 'wobbles' , so this definition is not adequate for very precise work.

The of the South Pole are usually given simply as 90°S, since its longitude is geometrically undefined and irrelevant. When a longitude is desired, it may be given as 0°.

At the South Pole, all directions face north. For this reason, directions at the Pole are given relative to 'grid north', which points northwards along the. Along tight latitude circles, clockwise is east, and counterclockwise is west, opposite to the. The Geographic South Pole is located on the continent of (although this has not been the case for all of because of ). It sits atop a featureless, barren, windswept and icy plateau at an altitude of 2,835 metres (9,301 ft) above sea level, and is located about 1,300 km (800 mi) from the nearest open sea. The ice is estimated to be about 2,700 metres (9,000 ft) thick at the Pole, so the land surface under the is actually near sea level.


The polar ice sheet is moving at a rate of roughly 10 metres per year in a direction between 37° and 40° west of grid north, down towards the. Therefore, the position of the station and other artificial features relative to the geographic pole gradually shift over time. The Geographic South Pole is marked by a stake in the ice alongside a small sign; these are repositioned each year in a ceremony on to compensate for the movement of the ice. The sign records the respective dates that and reached the Pole, followed by a short quotation from each man, and gives the elevation as '9,301 FT.' A new marker stake is designed and fabricated each year by staff at the site.

Ceremonial South Pole The Ceremonial South Pole is an area set aside for photo opportunities at the. It is located some meters from the Geographic South Pole, and consists of a metallic sphere on a short bamboo pole, surrounded by the flags of the original signatory. Historic monuments. Argentina soldiers saluting the flag after erecting the pole in 1965 Amundsen's Tent: The tent was erected by the Norwegian expedition led by Roald Amundsen on its arrival on 14 December 1911. It is currently buried beneath the snow and ice in the vicinity of the Pole. It has been designated a (HSM 80), following a proposal by Norway to the.

The precise location of the tent is unknown, but based on calculations of the rate of movement of the ice and the accumulation of snow, it is believed, as of 2010, to lie between 1.8 and 2.5 km (1.1 and 1.6 miles) from the Pole at a depth of 17 m (56 ft) below the present surface. Argentine Flagpole: A erected at the South Geographical Pole in December 1965 by the has been designated a (HSM 1) following a proposal by Argentina to the. Exploration. See also:, and Pre-1900 In 1820, several expeditions claimed to have been the first to have sighted Antarctica, with the very first being the Russian expedition led by and. The first landing was probably just over a year later when American Captain John Davis, a sealer, set foot on the ice. The basic geography of the Antarctic coastline was not understood until the mid-to-late 19th century. American naval officer claimed (correctly) that Antarctica was a new continent, basing the claim on his exploration in 1839–40, while, in his expedition of 1839–43, hoped that he might be able to sail all the way to the South Pole.

(He was unsuccessful.) 1900–1950. Amundsen's party at the South Pole, December 1911. From left to right:, and (photo by fifth member ).

British explorer on the of 1901–04 was the first to attempt to find a route from the Antarctic coastline to the South Pole. Scott, accompanied by and, set out with the aim of travelling as far south as possible, and on 31 December 1902, reached 82°16′ S. Shackleton later returned to Antarctica as leader of the British Antarctic Expedition in a bid to reach the Pole. On 9 January 1909, with three companions, he reached 88°23' S – 112 miles (180 km) from the Pole – before being forced to turn back. The first men to reach the Geographic South Pole were the on December 14, 1911. Amundsen named his camp and the entire plateau surrounding the Pole in honour of King.

Pole Shift Map Of United States

Robert Falcon Scott returned to Antarctica with his second expedition, the, initially unaware of Amundsen's secretive expedition. Scott and four other men reached the South Pole on January 17, 1912, thirty-four days after Amundsen. On the return trip, Scott and his four companions all died of starvation and extreme cold. In 1914 Ernest Shackleton's set out with the goal of crossing Antarctica via the South Pole, but his ship, the, was frozen in and sank 11 months later. The overland journey was never made. US Admiral, with the assistance of his first pilot, became the first person to fly over the South Pole on November 29, 1929. 1950–present.

The ceremonial pole and flags can be seen in the background, slightly to the left of centre, below the tracks behind the buildings. The actual geographic pole is a few more metres to the left. The buildings are raised on stilts to prevent snow build up. It was not until 31 October 1956 that humans once again set foot at the South Pole, when a party led by Admiral of the US Navy landed there in an R4D-5L Skytrain aircraft. The US was established by air over 1956–1957 for the and has been continuously staffed since then by research and support personnel.

After Amundsen and Scott, the next people to reach the South Pole overland (albeit with some air support) were (January 4, 1958) and (January 19, 1958) and their respective parties, during the. There have been many subsequent expeditions to arrive at the South Pole by surface transportation, including those by Havola, and. First group of women to reach the pole were Pam Young, Jean Pearson, Eileen McSaveney, Kay Lindsay and Terry Tickhill in 1969. In 1978 Michele Eileen Raney becomes the first woman to winter at the South Pole. Subsequent to the establishment, in 1987, of the logistic support base at, the South Pole became more accessible to non-government expeditions. On December 30, 1989, and were the first to traverse Antarctica via the South Pole without animal or motorized help, using only skis and the help of wind. Two women, and Shirley Metz reached the pole by land on January 17, 1989.

The fastest unsupported journey to the Geographic South Pole from the ocean is 24 days and one hour from and was set in 2011 by Norwegian adventurer Christian Eide, who beat the previous solo record set in 2009 by American of 39 days and seven hours, and the previous group record also set in 2009 of 33 days and 23 hours. The fastest solo (female), unsupported and unassisted trek to the south pole was performed by from the UK in 2006. She made the journey in 39 days 9hrs 33mins.

She started on the 19th November 2006 and finished on the 28 December 2006. In the 2011/12 summer, separate expeditions by Norwegian and Australians jointly claimed the first unsupported trek without dogs or kites from the Antarctic coast to the South Pole and back. The two expeditions started from a day apart, with Gamme starting first, but completing according to plan the last few kilometres together. As Gamme traveled alone he thus simultaneously became the first to complete the task solo. Climate and day and night. See also:, and During the southern winter (March–September), the South Pole receives no sunlight at all, and from May 11 to August 1, between extended periods of twilight, it is completely dark (apart from moonlight).

In the summer (September–March), the sun is continuously above the horizon and appears to move in a counter-clockwise circle. However, it is always low in the sky, reaching a maximum of 23.5° in December. Much of the sunlight that does reach the surface is reflected by the white snow.

This lack of warmth from the sun, combined with the high altitude (about 2,800 metres (9,200 ft)), means that the South Pole has one of the coldest climates on Earth (though it is not quite the coldest; that record goes to the region in the vicinity of the, also in Antarctica, which lies at a higher elevation). Temperatures at the South Pole are much lower than at the North Pole, primarily because the South Pole is located at altitude in the middle of a continental land mass, while the North Pole is at sea level in the middle of an ocean, which acts as a reservoir of heat. The South Pole is at an altitude of 9,300 feet (2,800 m) but feels like 11,000 feet (3,400 m).

Centrifugal force from the spin of the planet pulls the atmosphere toward the equator. The South Pole is colder than the because the elevation difference. The North Pole is a few feet from sea level. In midsummer, as the sun reaches its maximum elevation of about 23.5 degrees, high temperatures at the South Pole in January average at −25.9 °C (−15 °F). As the six-month 'day' wears on and the sun gets lower, temperatures drop as well: they reach −45 °C (−49 °F) around sunset (late March) and sunrise (late September).

In midwinter, the average temperature remains steady at around −58 °C (−72 °F). The highest temperature ever recorded at the Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station was −12.3 °C (9.9 °F) on Christmas Day, 2011, and the lowest was −82.8 °C (−117.0 °F) on June 23, 1982 (for comparison, the lowest temperature directly recorded anywhere on earth was −89.2 °C (−128.6 °F) at Vostok Station on July 21, 1983, though −93.2 °C (−135.8 °F) was measured indirectly by satellite in between and in August 2010 ). The South Pole has a climate, receiving very little precipitation. Air humidity is near zero. However, high winds can cause the blowing of snowfall, and the accumulation of snow amounts to about 20 cm (8 in) per year.

The former dome seen in pictures of the Amundsen–Scott station is partially buried due to snow storms, and the entrance to the dome had to be regularly bulldozed to uncover it. More recent buildings are raised on stilts so that the snow does not build up against the sides of them.